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Real-life use cases for Monero

Here are a few examples of real-life use case for Monero that I found from that defeats any arguments accusing Monero of being a tool used to hide criminal activity. Although it can be used for such, Monero has a lot of legal uses as well which includes:
Price manipulation: Sofia is the only mechanic in a small town. One of her customers paid for an oil change with Bitcoin. Sofia later looked up his address on the ledger and saw that the customer's wallet contained enough Bitcoin for a new Lamborghini. Next time he needed a repair, she doubled her prices. If the customer had used Monero, Sofia would have been unable to view his balance or use such information to manipulate prices.
Financial surveillance: Oleg's parents send him some Bitcoin to pay for textbooks, then continue to snoop on his Bitcoin address and activity. A few months later, Oleg sends some leftover Bitcoin to the public donation address for an organization that does not align with his parents' political views. He does not realize that they are still monitoring his Bitcoin activity until he receives a furious email from his parents, berating him. If Oleg had used Monero, his family would not have been upset due to prying into his transaction activity.
Supply chain privacy: Kyung-Seok owns a small business providing family catering services for local events. A large food company uses blockchain tracing to identify most of his regular clients. The corporation uses this list to contact Kyung-Seok's customers, offering similar deals for 5% less. If Kyung-Seok's business used Monero instead, its transaction history could not have been exploited by rival businesses seeking to steal his customers.
Discrimination: Ramona finds her dream apartment, conveniently close to her new job in a great neighbourhood. Every month, she promptly pays her rent in Bitcoin. However, the landlord notices that some of the payments trackback to a legal online casino. The landlord personally despises gambling and unexpectedly chooses to not renew Ramona's lease. If Ramona paid the rent with Monero instead, the landlord would not be able to review its history and discriminate based on her legal source of income.
Transaction security/privacy: Sven sells a guitar to a stranger, and gives the buyer a Bitcoin address from his long-term savings wallet. The buyer checks the blockchain, sees the large sum of money that Sven has saved up, and consequently robs him at gunpoint. If Sven had instead given a Monero address for payment, the buyer would not have been able to view Sven's wealth.
Tainted coins: Loki sells some of his artwork online to save up for college. When he pays tuition, he is shocked to receive a “payment INVALID” error from the school. Unbeknownst to Loki, one of his paintings was purchased using some Bitcoin that was stolen during an exchange hack the previous year. Since the school rejects any payment from a blacklist of “tainted” Bitcoins, they refuse to mark the bill “paid.” Loki is in an extremely difficult position: the Bitcoin that he saved has already been transferred out of his account, yet the tuition bill is still unpaid. This entire situation would have been avoided if Loki sold his paintings for Monero instead since its fungibility precludes tracking or blacklists.
submitted by mdja123cs to Monero [link] [comments]

Hello Reddit, I think my end will become to me soon (ó﹏ò。). Reddit is my last hope. I'm broken and I don't think that I gonna live if nothing is gonna change. I'm hopeless, my life is meaningless no one even gonna care about my death, even my parents! I can't live here anymore.

Hello my name is Sofia I'm 16 years old and I'm from Russia and I have 2 years to survive before my end.
A while ago I made one post in subreddit about immigration, but everything I got is a lot of downvotes and mainly got ignored. Like I got ignored by everything my whole life.
First of all, I gonna say why I have a time limit, there a lot of reasons for that. I don't sure what I should begin, but in short my current status:
So this is a small portion of everything that happened to me. I going to tell you some stories and going to open some of these themes that I listed above. I'll begin with my parents.
When I was 10 years old or less my dad always lost all money in casino on a slot machine. He worked as a guard in the same casino where he lost all money. Once he almost gave away our apartment like that.
Now we running out of money because of coronavirus. He was working at the hotel as a guard. The hotel went bankrupt and we didn't receive payment for 3 months. And he was working not legal there so we were totally dead.
Basically, we trying to survive (4 people) on around $544/month but as I said he loves to lose money so it's looking more like $408/month for 4 people but mainly even less. We need to use them to pay for two apartments that look like very bad, having two bad looking apartments in a bad city doesn't mean we rich. And also we need to pay for an extra apartment where we all live. Sometimes we are being sued for not paying at the right time.
Also, there was a stupid situation so we almost got homeless. My dad's father had our apartment, and so he cheated on my grandmother, who was not even close to me, I never saw her until I was 14 years old and eventually, a child was born, later my dad's father died and their family claimed inheritance, including our apartment, they were also rich and this angered me the most, like why they need our apartment in with we live, but also my mom telling about these problems to me. I was around 10.
The baby is one year old. His Parents: WE NEEAD AN APARTAMENT FOR HIM Because HE iS a bik Boi
We don't even have wallpapers before. Just empty walls actually that place still don't have wallpapers everywhere. Mainly, this was because my dad is lazy he doesn't do anything, he was doing only: Farting on the couch, playing video games on smartphone, annoys everyone, etc. Every hard work was done by my mother and with some of our help (kids)
My dad. He doesn't give a fuck about us. And he always will. He living only for himself and only for himself.
The due first month of quarantine in Russia I was eating only one time per day.
When we had no money, father was god knows where, we can't even live in our house at this moment we lived in grandma house and grandma can't even give money or support us somehow, so mainly we were hungry,
So I hate my dad, but not my mom, she just trying to save us from our dad.
My mom trying to control my life, watching my every step, it continues to my 14 years old, then and for today she just annoys me with asking what I was doing today or who do I write to, etc.
Also, my mom sometimes trying to make suicide, and it's so hard to stop her, she just going to our medkit and start eating every drug. It's terrible.
My mom and my brother love to make fun of me. Trying to annoy me and made me cry. Telling jokes about me, and if I don't act like I don't care, they gonna make fun of me even more.
My mother almost every time very sick. She just sneezed and broken spine or something, she felt so bad, so she crying of pain I asked her for calling to a hospital, but she declines. Every time she looks like she gonna die right now she doesn't want to call for help to the hospital.
Yesterday (6th August) my mom almost set the whole house on fire, by putting a wooden circle on a gas stove and then a big bowl of bad soup, and then after a while, it ignited, and a great column of fire rose and a lot of smoke came out.
My dad drunk at least one time per week. He often loses his items such a phone because he literally can sleep under the fence of some house. He destroyed a lot of things in our house. The fridge still has traces of his punches. Rarely, but he can punch me. He doesn't love me at all, he loves only his second son.
Endless scandals. I don't even know what to say about it. I can't protect anyone anymore when dad is angry.
And things that always with me. Whatever someone does something bad, they told me that it was I. In a time of school it makes me wanna die because the whole class told the teacher that I PUNCH myself, poor bullies, how dare me!
While I was in my classroom due to math lessons, there was break time and I sat in my class since I don't have friends and reasons to go out. And then my classmate ran in class with words that I stole sled of some little kid, then class appears and say that's it's true and we saw you, then the school principal and homeroom teacher appeared and they saying that they got me and me in big trouble but God was on my side in this day and teacher start to debate with them how I can steal something while I'm in school sitting in this classroom! Thankfully she able to approve that they wrong. Actually, this is the first time and last time that someone saved me from hell. But all school already thinks that I stole a sled of little kid.
Also, they love to stalk me to my home and scream that I'm "gay" and "pussy" and other words. When I go downstairs they very often trip me up and then I fall very badly. They also love to hide my clothes so I stay in school for many hours to find my cloth.
I was in school bullies start to say that I miserable, doesn't deserve a feature and many things, but when I can't take it anymore and say something in their side they start to kick me with a crowd, I was laying down, and 4 people just keep kicking me, whole class watch this everyone was happy they said punch harder, kick harder! I think it just like forever.
But at some point it's ended, I can't feel anything, I don't even stand up, I just cried. Then the teacher walks in class and saw me. I think she was thinking "oh no he* is crying again!". Then she said stand up and said go with me, I thought she will finally help me, but I was so wrong. She went with me to high school (I never was in there at this moment), to the headmaster of this school. I sat in her cabinet and she starts to scream at me that everyone got tired of you and you should die we will kick you from school because of your behaviors. I just crying and can't even listen to all the things that she said, I thought I just disappointed my mom. After 1 hour and more of scream at me she said stand up, we gotta go, I asked what do you mean? but don't get a response back. We walked outside with a fire exit door, there was a black tuned car and it has a lot of people inside. At this time I thought I'll die and I start to say sorry for everyone, but mainly for my mother. I thought we gonna ride in the forest because I never saw these places before, the whole road I just praying. No one is speaking. Finally, I saw my house, and parked at the entrance to the entrance (It looks like English doesn't have this word), she said to go out but gives me some document. I slowly walked upstairs, every step I felt worse and worse, and finally, when I was on the 5th floor I ring to door, my mom opened the door I gave her this document and when she asked me "What happened?" I started to cry again and fall on my bed. The document contains something about my expulsion from school. It was my worst day. You can say me, why you can't change school but in a place where I live before, there was only one school.
Is I'm a bad person? I'm always tried to help people and animals if I can.
I stop at least three people and my mother of suicide in real life.. don't sure if this counts...
I destroyed a lot of "columbine" community everywhere I can and trying to help people, change their minds. So I stop many people of suicide and killing everyone in schools.
There was a thing as 'The Groups of Death' most popular was "Blue whale". It was a game in real life where you do some tasks, but then it quickly flows into tasks like "cut your wrist" and so on. The ending of this game is to kill yourself, doesn't matter with way, but mainly it's just jumping from a rooftop. I was horrified about this, so I had an idea to create an anti-group of death called "Pink Flamingo". Everything was fine, I helped a lot of people, make therapy for them, give advice, and at the end of the game you should be alright and happy, there was no real end. But in one day my group was banned from Vkontakte as I remember for this reason: I created a group of death. Bravo, they even block my own page almost permanent, it was hard to restore it, it was a special ban.
I really remember that I made a lot of happy birthday congratulations on things in windows movie maker to everyone... I was 8 years old or less... I always helped grandmothers, carrying their products, or moving them across the road.
Some bullies wanted to kick poor cat to death, I don't let them do that, so they kicked me... BUT hey! I saved a cat!
When I had internet "friends" we had a community, I called it "TeaTown community", we were like a big family, I helped to everyone there, they need something I give it to them and a lot of other things, yes they kinda don't like me because I always want to help everyone and it annoys them. And in one day we built a big city with a 10+ player population and I started this community brick by brick with a new friend (everyone knew them even before I appear there) and in one day after a month of friendship he just asks me to add his friend to private since I don't know him and I was scared of security and for everyone, I said no! They start to scream on me and call me a pussy and such and I add him under this pressure and then they immediately kill me and destroyed my house and storehouse of the city I was broken they even used cheats so I can't fight with them. But it's not all, they told something to all of my friends, and everyone started to hate me and they start to don't trust me. I managed to get a little bit of their trust and I became a part of this community again. I build a church and live in there. I still helped to everyone. But in one day someone busted me, he gives access to church to those two who grief me before and then they destroyed my church, no items survived. I actually have a few footages where they were cheating and griefing. Actually, I showed it to admins. And guess what? I got permanently banned. They bought the admins. The main conflict is very stupid, to solve it I need to apologize for not letting them grief me and don't add them immediately to private. Also one of them always saying something I'm a god and you're nothing.
When I finally realized that I'm transgender, I made a coming out and every friend that I have, even my best friend start to hate me even gay one and it made me feel very bad. A was lone for a month and since I can't find new friends I tried to go back to them. They made a lot of transphobic things like burning the trans flag, mis-pronouns me and everything, but in one day they reach something above of normal, when I died I teleported in a strange place, they made a test lab that I need to pass, they gave me adventure mode, some of them was in spectator mode, my "best friend" was behind glass, they said hello and then look in the chest I saw a pufferfish that named "Trans have no right" they say eat it. I eat it, don't sure why. The next thing was a potion, that I need to drink to be female, but unfortunately, It doesn't work and I got aids, then they give me a wooden pickaxe and said to dig obsidian... 4 blocks of obsidian with a wooden pickaxe, sick bastards! Then there was another room with insane hard parkour. After a while, I passed it and I got into another room where I should choose one of three answers, in fact, some of them were not transphobic like there was a question about Kazahstan with dates. At the end of the quiz, they hide the right answer behind me, so it should make me confused, once it solved I went to the final room. I saw to "dicks" and my best friend said choice dick, sit and die, there was a big black one with racism on a sign that gonna destroy all my organs because it's a big and sticky white one with gonna pull out my guts and made me die. I don't remember what I chose, but it was horrible we was a friend for many years and then they do this? How sad, even my "best friend"
Since that, I don't really have friends anymore.
All my classmates around me in school used drugs and they were very bad and none of them want to be my friend. This why I never had a friend in real life. Everyone in real life was very bad, many of them were in police stations already. Even girls were bad, they drunk too much and engaged in prostitution.
All the people I knew had a boyfriend/girlfriend/whatever at some point, but I never had, so they very shooked when they knew this fact, but I don't think I need that, I don't think I need something, maybe I just don't deserve life. In fact, I don't even sure with sexual orientation is I or do I even want to have someone.
I hate to remember the place where I lived before because of school, memories, and thing like:
I just going to home from school and then from nowhere on a large speed a big van is riding on the sidewalk not even giving any sign. I jumped out at the last moment. It still gives me nightmares.
Or like when someone kicked me in school when I was going downstairs and then when I was going home someone walking far away and scream that I'm "faggot" and other words but then I saw two small dogs. Nothing special, but then huge dogs start to appear from nowhere and I start thinking about going back and find another way to go home, but when I turn my head I realized I already surrounded by huge evil dogs that barked and growled at me and then ran sharply at me. A big crowd of dogs surrounded me and chased me all over the city and I was running for my life, most of these dogs were huge, and I ran from almost 20 dogs. Honestly, I don't know why they can't catch me and where most of them gone when I was pretty close to my home, but it's doesn't matter. Yes and I cried and scream the whole road to home.
Just a typical day of my life. Mainly when I home I'll be saved. But every time I outside. Something bad is going to happen.
Also, teachers called me rude words and lower my grades. Imagine being a kid and the teacher call you a bag of shit that can't do anything.
I was in this place a week ago and I was praying to my mother to not go there, but she starts to say I never coming outside and I should ride or else I can say bye to my laptop. We stuck there for three days we just should be there for one day. We don't even have pillows or blankets. And I meet old school bullies that start to make fun of me one of them even punches me. He called me "faggot" again like in past. It was a nightmare. Everyone hates me there. My little brother hates me because I want to leave this nightmare as fast as I can, but he wants to be there for a longer time. I actually made a wrong thing later.
I wanted to escape and my reason for that was If stay there even more I will kill myself because so many horrifying memories' was there. I just walked to a train station, so basically I escaped from a mom and my little brother. And a bully from school walked to me, I didn't saw him and he said "Fuck you" and then he punches me in a face. Well then since I have no money with me right now (and always), so I have a "perfect" Idea to walk to my city on foot (48KM to the final station and also a long way to the city), but I just walked just one station is about 4km from there and I got already tired, but also at this moment I realize that I don't have keys for the apartment and also I need to go another 10+ stations + another more things I don't think of, so I went back.
The second reason I do so is that my mom and my brother start to make jokes about me and I just can't stand it.
I returned to a nightmare place and we got stuck here. I still feel very bad.
Actually, this isn't a serious escape because in one-day whole class the whole day made fun of me by calling me with bad words, they tripped me, they spat paper at me, and do much more. And the teacher remarked not to them but ME. I wonder why??? Then everything like in a fog. It was the end of the lesson and someone made my cry, I run out of class and saw fire exit, with tears, I very fast open this door and ran out of school, they tried to stop me, they even grab my backpack, but I ran away. So next I was thinking about getting drown or just die in the forest, maybe even of starving to death, but temporarily I hide somewhere and lay down there. It was a very cold autumn. I don't even wear a jacket and I was alone, thinking about suicide and the end of me, I was laying on trash, I even thought about live like a hobo, Because I can't live like that anymore. My mom can't do anything to help me she can't do it to end. So bullies can't get punished because of that. I always was in bruises. Even more, bullies have come up with an offensive nickname for me because of which I want to change my last name. The worst part that this thing also works in English and almost in every country, because this word sounds almost the same even though it writes very differently.
My poor relatives made me feel very sad and bad, but not every one of them. Looking at an old, lonely grandfather it's so heartbreaking, it's so awful to see a poor uncle stricken with a stroke and other can laugh on the situation, it's so wrong... also recently grandfather killed a cat... he put it somewhere and close it... he doesn't even feed it... a week passed... and then he opened a place where he put cat... but it's already almost died... on next day cat just died.....
Well, I don't do anything bad. I always tried to help people. But everything I received from them it just hates and other sad things. Nothing good. Yes, I made bad stuff and I apologize for that. I apologize that I was born. Wow, it hurt so much. I upset my parents. And I will upset them even more.
Teachers say there is no way I saying the truth because I can't always be "White and fluffy". I mean no one even trusts me for some reason. My friends busted me.
I always, every day, for many years keep talking to my parents that I'm going to make suicide, but they say that I don't saw a real-life, I don't live enough, and what kind of troubles you can even have in this age?
My family and other people keep told that my life is not the worst and I can agree. They can say the other one lives is worse than me, you at least have food, water, and a roof overhead, people from Africa are very poor, do you think about them? Yes, often think about poor people and that they need more help than me in fact I'm living very well in their background.
When I was a child I was thinking about writing a book about my life and write it when I will grow up, but now I don't find this idea very good. In fact, it's very stupid. I always feel stupid. Everyone thinks I'm stupid, retarded, or something. And I can kinda agree with them.
And I can't help myself because something will stop me and made feel me even worse and no one can help me. Every time I want to make animation, website, or whatever my programs got crashed, light turn off for the whole house, I lost internet connection, I got lost files or even worse corrupted because it most painful and any possible way to stop me from working that you can imagine.
I know odd people that sometimes can come from nowhere and write something odd. Something about eggs, something about fursuits while why do I in the world even want to know the cost of this? I don't hear you for months and you come back and say interesting how much fursuit is a cost or even "docking", various sort of things. There were only people that I talked with for like 5 months. I feel so terrible. For some things, I feel like I was raped and I don't even kidding.
First of all, I gonna say why I have a time limit, there a lot of reasons for that. I don't sure about what I should begin, but the current status that I'm suffering from Bullies, of my Family, of my Government, and what is going on in my country.
I tried to find transgender friends in Russia, but then I realized that it's an almost impossible challenge since most of them not just dressing and do other staff. Even when I saw an infinite number of almost always gross people I find the right thing, but even there I find bad people. One of them was younger than me he was 15 years old and then after a long conversation he said that he gives jobs to his boyfriend and do such things and send me some images, I try to change his mind, but he doesn't want to listen to me, he just enjoy that. And other transgenders I found were good people, but they weren't sure if they were transgender, but it still better than nothing. They never called me a friend in fact when I asked, they answer that we, not friends. And it broke my heart... I realized that I never had friends.
I scared to start to speak with anyone. When I don't speak everything usually better. So I can't say even a single word.
Almost every night I have a nightmare about someone is trying to catch me and I trying to escape. It could be everything and mainly I ran in deserted places even if there should be a lot of people in them. The alternative ending is the screamer version so I can't even run for a while before screamer, I instantly got caught. Also there another type of dream where I walking on familiar but very changed places, most scary that before it had many people, but since every dream there less and fewer people, and everything got weirder and weirder, so everything change, even more, some building is destroying random big holes that always in random place start appear, world start to less looking to real and more have strange odd colors. I walking alone in an odd and scary world and getting die every time. The third type of dream is when I can't help someone, someone died and everything, recently I have only this type of dream.
I need to notice that I'm MtF transgender. I notice it that late because I still scared. I want to escape from this endless nightmare, start a new life from a blank page, and finally be myself. But looking at others' lives gives me a thing. I can't complain about this. A lot of people living even worse than me.
I never talk to a psychotherapist because I was always scared to know to door or just make an appointment. But it has almost no sense, I'll just break my life forever by visiting a psychotherapist because there's almost no way to apply for a job because no one gonna takes a person who visited a psychotherapist. And most of them transphobes, so they gonna hurt me. The other one can't help me since the government looking for rights from transgenders.
I stuck in a circle of self-harm and writing a suicide note. I don't even strong enough to write this post, it was a nightmare for me. And I need to escape this country as fast as I can, because I can't take it any longer, people like me gonna die there.
I say almost nothing about I got bullied on the internet every day or how my government is worst in the world, I tired and you should know that I don't fully talk even about parents, friendship themes.
I feel like a bug without limbs that can't move and do something. Everyone else can draw, programming, make music, and basically anything else. I can't do anything everything that I made is just awful. My poems, lyrics for songs, my site...
I hate the way I look. I can't look in the mirror. I think I'm fat, I hate my voice, I hate how tall I am, I hate my haircut, I hate that I can't control my life, My face and whole body, The way I talk, The way I write. I want to have HRT and control my life so much.
I can't stand for myself and no one can. I can't help myself and no one can.
Everything I can do is repeatedly dying every day. And trying to not kill me. I didn't do anything to deserve all of this. I didn't do anything wrong.
I forgot to notice that my mom is a transphobe. She said that these people should be in a mental hospital, or better on an island where no one can see them, or even better burn them all!...
I need your help I ask you to find a way to help me! I can't live here anymore, I need to get out.
I don't know what I should do...
Please, help me survive...
submitted by lolzzz992 to depressed [link] [comments]

♉︎ TAURUS DRAG RACE ♉︎ Week 6: Lip sync (Cherry)

♉︎ TAURUS DRAG RACE ♉︎ Week 6: Lip sync (Cherry)
The next day, the queens presented their sultry and seductive casino outfits on the runway.
"Welcome, queens! After reviewing your gambling the house down outfits, it's time for the judges' critiques.
First up, Katya! You can truly sell any garment on the stage with your confidence and comedy, but this time around, there's no saving for that look. It seems very poorly constructed, and cheap in the wrong way. Definitely not something you'd find in a casino, neither something we looked for.
Blair St. Clair! Similarly to Katya, you can make everything look sexy, but we were definitely not impressed tonight. It's just so simple and boring, and compared to the other queens, it's just not interesting. There needs to be more detail and creativity, otherwise - it might be the end for you.
Valentina! We loved the idea behind your outfit - your drag persona comes across as very boujee and rich, so this look really fit you well. But, what we will complain about, is that it just doesn't seem ambitious enough - that's what surprised us, since we know you're really gunning for the crown.
Sonique! Tonight, you gave us something really cool and new. Your interpretation of the challenge, being a more masculine, but still hyperfeminized character was extremely fresh and brave. There is truly nothing to complain about in your outfit today, good job.
Yara Sofia! Out of the seven, you made the most interesting stuff with the cards and chips. This self-made jewellery looks amazing, you're really crafty, in a good way! And, the outfit is fully realized and executed impeccably. You're a skilled designer, and on a great road to success in this competition!
Tyra Sanchez! The past few weeks weren't easy for you, but you've returned with a bang! This look has to be the most well executed, beautiful, sexy and seductive at the same time! Your fascinator made of cards and dice is just couture, looks like something that would sashay down a parisian runway.
April Carrión! This kind of burlesque, 1920s inspired style looks just delicious on you. You have a very retro kind of beauty in yourself, and you put it to good use. Not to mention, your designing and sewing skills are top notch. This is an amazing week for you, my dear.
Thank you all, ladies. While you let it all hang out backstage, the judges and I will... deliberate. You may leave the stage."
In the lounge, Yara was beaming with joy about getting good critiques yet again. She spoke about not feeling too confident about her place in the competition, but finding her vibe now. Tyra was praised for bouncing back, and serving a stunning look, and she seemed a lot more happy and relaxed than last week. Blair, on the other hand, was close to a breakdown - she expressed her feelings about never being able to stand out and find the right groove to ride into the win. Valentina tried to console her, and they ultimately stepped to the side to talk privately. Meanwhile, Katya shared her own personal struggles with the other queens, talking about how sometimes, when she starts succeeding and being happy, the demons crawl back into her thoughts and make her second guess everything, leading to failing really hard.
"Welcome back, queens! I've made some decisions.
Sonique - great job this week, you're safe.
Yara Sofia - you took a gamble, and it paid off big time. You're safe.
April Carrión - you brought it the full house down tonight!
Tyra Sanchez - your outfit was an absolute royal flush on the runway!
Tyra Sanchez - condragulations, you're the winner of this week's challenge!
You receive a cash tip of $5000!
April Carrión - you're safe, you may both join the other girls.
Katya - you went all-in tonight, but the probability turned against you.
I'm sorry, my dear, but you're up for elimination.
Blair St. Clair - you went in guns ablazing, but tonight, we were surprised to see you fold.
Valentina - you tried to raise the stakes tonight, but didn't expect to get bluffed by yourself.
Valentina - you're safe, you may join the other girls.
Which means, Blair St. Clair - I'm sorry, my dear, but you're up for elimination.
Two queens stand before me.
Ladies, prior to tonight, you were asked to prepare a lip sync performance of Cherry by Lana Del Rey. And now, this is your last chance to impress me, and save yourself... from elimination.
The time has come.
For you to lip sync...
Good luck, and don't fuck it up!"
It's the battle of the frontrunner fan favorites - will this result in a double shantay, or is someone taking a hike tonight?
Lip sync song:
See you soon, cherries! <3
submitted by ilookfuckinorange to RPDRfantasyseason [link] [comments]

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure OC Tournament #4: R3M13 - Yuigahama Kaito and Noriko Yabuuchi vs. ???

The results are in for Match 11. The winner is…
Flint Howlett, with a score of 85 to Tunde Ó Santos’s 61!
Category Winner Point Totals Comments
Popularity Flint Howlett 25-15 Despite taking an early lead and keeping it close for most of the match, Tunde was passed by Flint, who was able to hold onto his lead 7-4.
Quality Flint Howlett 30-23 Reasoning
JoJolity Flint Howlett 30-23 Reasoning
Although we gave a full result drop and epilogue for Matches 10 and 11 a few days ago, we’re reposting the results here for posterity. Things may have gotten a little strange with our schedule, but at the time of posting, there are a few hours left of voting for a match that is XPLICITly one of the craziest the tournament has ever seen.
Scenario - Somewhere in California:
After their gauntlet in Brazil, Gioia Arancini and Nico Wolfram had resolved to keep in touch as each of them found leads on what Pão de Queijo had told them about the Black Beetles and XPLICIT. Gioia had relayed what Sofia had learned from Ronald Fogerty about the Black Beetles’ boss, but the biggest piece of information the two teams had shared since then came after Demis Roussos and Hadrian Moore had successfully raided the Black Beetles headquarters, encountering that very boss’s Stand itself.
In the vault, the two had found a dossier on the production of XPLICIT, revealing a connection between Wilkinson’s use of consultants from Lyte, Ltd. and the first recorded appearances of the drug. All of this Gioia relayed to her team, all of whom she’d become much closer to after these experiences, especially a fateful trip to a Washington, DC museum with Schioppo following a successful go-kart race.
It seemed Ric Hawks was somewhat less thrilled by his time with the team, given his determined efforts to look into things on his own, barely consulting with his teammates. To him, the way to get information on Lyte was through their financials, particularly their increasingly shifty CFO. Stefan Pilatti, the one Ric could never quite shake since they’d failed to stop a jailbreak in San Diego, had a simpler idea one day on the bus, born largely out of exasperation:
“Why don’t we just shoot ‘em?”
‘Corazon’ rolled her eyes at this, thinking over everything they’d learned, still maybe a bit jittery from her experience in New Mexico and feeling ever so slightly guilty over how far she’d gone against Buggy Baxter, what with Connor’s report back from the casino. “Too many loose ends, and we don’t want anyone innocent caught up in the crossfire.”
“Yeah, but there’s so much to go over,” Schioppo added. “How are we going to actually get through tracking everything down, especially with Clyde busy with his new hunting business?”
The heretofore silent bus driver was thinking. Noriko Yabuuchi, sugar and ice to Kris and all ice, no fire to Schioppo, was warming up to both, though she wouldn’t admit it, and to the rest of the tea. To even her own surprise, she wanted to help. And she resolved to do so, the best way she knew how, using her own unique skillset.
“Okay, gang, let’s split up and search for clues.”
The Civil Disobedients sat around their bar, the atmosphere of a tense quality. Spirits had certainly been higher in the group’s time together, but things weren’t terribly dreary at the moment, Lyra thought quietly to herself, stirring a frosty glass of grape juice. Even though Prince Johnny’s last excursion hadn’t ended well by any stretch of the imagination: the Civil Disobedients hadn’t heard hide nor hair of him since, they had no idea where he might have been, but Lyra simply hoped he was safe.
Fighter Jet was his usual sunny self, trying to keep spirits up by cracking jokes and recounting their better times, but Kaito wasn’t having any of it, sullen as he stared into an empty glass, contemplating his team, himself. Then Fighter Jet said something—Kaito didn’t quite remember what—but he snapped back. “Maybe we’d have more people after Tags right now if people hadn’t been dicking around during the first round!”
He shot a withering glare at Lyra, who shrunk back on her stool, looking off to the side. “I’m sorry— about me and Djimon, I really could have done better, I, ah… um…”
Kaito continued to lambast her, squeezing his glass tighter, his knuckles turning white. “Maybe we should’ve just sent you out alone, Lyra, then maybe we would’ve seen better results fro—“
Down the bar, Baroness smashed down an empty mug, shards of glass dancing on the bar for a brief moment, before they fell dead on the countertop, the floor, even on Baroness. “KAITO.” She snapped, face red with anger. “Shut the fuck up, okay?! If you’re such hot shit, then where’s all the Tags you’ve collected recently, huh? —What’s that? You don’t have any? Why’s that unsurprising to me?!”
The silence that befell the group was deafening. His face hot with embarrassment, Kaito simply rose from his seat and walked towards the door, leaving the rest of his team behind. Unbeknownst to the rest of his team, Kaito’s face was contorted into a grimace. Every footfall seemed to take forever, despite his quick pace. Was the door always this far away? Even Fighter Jet had quieted, watching the door shut after him.
“Ah… um, Baroness…” Lyra begun, fidgeting with her fingers. “I appreciate you standing up for me, but some of that stuff went a bit too far, don’t you think? It was uncalled for…”
Baroness brushed the few shards of glass off of her pants, a twinge of regret filling her as she cleared her throat, now dry.
Another report successfully filed, finances adjusted, errors corrected, everything under his control as perfect as it could be, as there was little satisfaction as good as a job well done at the end of the day, no matter the nature of the work he was getting done.
Click, click, click…
The man finished what tea was left in his mug, idly clicking his treasured pen, before he tucked it away in the breast pocket of his suit, rising from his executive style chair, high backed and comfortable. He stretched for a moment, before he grabbed his briefcase, striding to the break room to clean and put away the mug. There was something sterile about the environment. Something falsely homey. After he dried out the mug, he set it back into the cupboard, and rubbed his eyes from underneath his glasses. The room wasn’t creepy or unnerving, but after a week, it came to be a bit much for the man’s more subdued tastes.
He made his way through the main working floor, something of a maze of frosted glass and cubicles filled with personal objects. He kept a firm grip on the handle of his briefcase, the occasional employee in the hall seemed to shrink and scurry away, as if to not incur his ire—not that he had much to give at the moment. He did, however, spot a figure dozing at one of the cubicles, black roots beginning to set back into his dyed blonde hair, and his hawaiian shirt slightly crumpled. He supposed it was casual Friday.
With a sigh that was… sympathetic? He walks over, giving a sharp knock on the wall of the cubicle to get his attention. The young man instantly starts awake, wheeling around in his chair, face gaunt with embarrassment. “Muh— Muh— Mister Alcove! I’m sorry, I! Uh— I was—“
Maui Jim stuttered through some vague explanations, quickly snatching two empty Red Bull cans and crumpling them up, throwing them into the trash can beneath his desk. Tom simply stood there, letting him finish whatever he was attempting to say. A glance at his monitor showed that he was on track, even with his noticeably heavy workload.
“I intend to go home now, Maui Jim,” he said calmly once the young man had finished stammering, cheeks bright red. “How much longer do you have?”
“M-Me? I was— Uh I was gonna stay and, I’m super behind, and, uh…”
“Hm. Carry on, then. You’ve got quite a bit of important work to do, and I don’t mean to interrupt. But do clean up your workspace.”
Tom left it at that, turning to walk towards the elevator as Maui stammered his belated apology, hastily clearing up his supplies as the CFO stepped into the elevator, thankfully empty, heading down to the ground floor where he would be able to leave.
“Thanks, Ric, thanks, Corazon…” Murmured Noriko as she taped a small copy of a map onto her dashboard, marked with pen and highlighter to indicate the most probable path their wanted man would take. She could practically hear the voices of her teammates:
*”We went through what we could find out about his schedule, he always stops at this grocery store after he leaves work on Fridays. No idea why, but he does.”
“Uh,” Corazon had interjected. “Maybe just maybe because he’s a normal person who wants to stock up on some essentials before the weekend, duh.”
”...What was I thinking. Fuck.” Kaito walked down the sidewalk, away from the bar he had been inside mere moments before. Did he even actually like any of them? Why did he bother to stick around? He gave a pebble a forceful kick, and watched it skitter across the sidewalk and into a row of bushes. Baroness was nothing but a bossy know-it-all. He could hardly stand her and her holier-than-thou attitude. And Djimon. Why had they let a child into the Civil Disobedients, again? Maybe the whole group would’ve been more success if Lyra wasn’t always so out to lunch. Prince Johnny was a horny creep, and probably a liar, and Fighter Jet… He… Couldn’t think of anything bad about Fighter Jet…
Noriko’s bus was empty, an unusual occurrence, and Noriko was largely left alone with her thoughts. Union Jack sticker. Navy car with Union Jack sticker. Looking for the Navy Car with a Union Jack sticker. That was him… she had to find him… She was one intersection away from the grocery store, and she rolled to a stop as the traffic lights overhead turned red. She reached to turn on the fan at the front of the bus, basking in the gusts of cool air. This wouldn’t be so hard. She’d track him down and ask some questions, right?
Knock, knock, knock
Kaito rapped his knuckles on the bus door’s glass pane, his posture shrunken, shoulders drawn inward, head tilted down. Noriko, operating on muscle memory, flicked the lever to open the door at the sound. Her eyes shot open, and she turned, staring face to face with Kaito. She hadn’t meant to open the door!
Kaito’s eyes widened. He recognized this girl… she was the one he fought in Venice! He stammered, backing up a bit.
“Oh, it’s you, I, um…”
Her eyes narrowed. She recognized him as well. But Kaito could tell from the look on her face, the way she surveyed her surroundings… there was a look of ‘Intent’ on her face. She was here for a reason...
Out of the corner of her eye, Noriko caught sight of a dark-coloured car pulling out of the parking lot. She turned to confirm, and as she made out the Union Jack sticker on the window, she turned back to Kaito, her expression one of stern urgency. “Get on.”
Kaito, still somewhat hesitant, nonetheless complied, boarding the bus and hopping in the seat. The door quickly shut behind him, and the overhead light flicked to green as Noriko peeled off after her target.
The end of the work week had finally arrived, many an office worker rejoicing their two days of freedom, quickly punching out and scurrying home. For one man in particular, the weekend was a time of great joy, as it meant for two precious days he was able to see his teenage son, Timothy. The man had settled into a routine he thought was just right; leave work, pick up groceries for the weekend, visit his ex-wife’s house to pick up Tim, then make his way home for dinner (catching up on the details of his son’s week he had missed between phone calls), eventually followed by a movie with popcorn.
For Thomas Alcove, this was (mostly) perfect.
He was on his way to pick up Tim at this very moment, groceries nestled snugly in the backseat, everything he’d need for a weekend. A dozen eggs, 2% milk, rye bread, green onions, the bags of candy in their bold packaging that Tim had found a distinct fondness for, Earl Gray, Chamomile… the list could go on. The bags rustled quietly as Tom turned a corner, his vehicle roomy, yet modest, painted a dark navy, a Union Jack sticker sitting proudly on the bottom corner of the rear window. There was the usual rush hour traffic that he sat through with a level head, beginning to clear the further from downtown he drove, save for a bus that seemed to follow him. He shifted his gaze from the rearview mirror and back to the road, adjusting his glasses. The notion that he was being tailed was nonsense.
Or so he thought.
Kaito rested against the back of the bus seat, hardly the most comfortable, but eons better than being out, alone with his thoughts.
“What’s your name?” Noriko asked from the front, looking back at Kaito through the bus’ rear view window with a quizzical glance, her expression having softened somewhat.
“I’m Kaito. Yuigahama Kaito.”
Noriko’s expression brightened, and she slipped back into her mother tongue. “どの県で育ちましたか?” She asked, looking eagerly back through the mirror. Kaito, however, blinked, leaning forward and cupping a hand to his ear.
“どの県で育ちましたか?” She repeated, her smile weakening somewhat.
“Is that, uh… I don’t speak Japanese, I moved away before I had a chance to learn anything…” he responded meekly, feeling somewhat awkward for having crushed her visible enthusiasm.
Noriko frowned in deep displeasure. She went out of her way to try and connect with somebody who shared her heritage, only to get nothing in return. He didn’t even speak a word of Japanese? Pathetic.
The bus fell back into silence. A silence Kaito was all too familiar with, a silence steeped and fermented in disappointment, tainted like a corked wine. He silently cursed to himself; how did he even mess basic conversation up?
Noriko’s eyes focused on the road, and on their target ahead of them. Kaito focused forward as well, though his eyes darted between the road or Noriko. He wanted to try again… he didn’t want things to be awkward.
He rubbed the back of his neck, easing back into conversation. “So, err… What are we doing, anyway? I just kind of got on without explanation…”
Noriko glanced over at Kaito, before quickly focusing back on the road. “Chasing the Navy car with the Union Jack… You can help me, we need information.”
Kaito nodded. This could be the opportunity he needed… he wasn’t about to pass up a chance to prove himself. “How’re we going to do it?”
“We follow him, we corner him, we make him talk,” Noriko said simply, eyes still on the road.
“Yeah, sure, alright,” Kaito said, slumping back in his seat.
The ride was silent for a while once more, and this time it was Noriko who chose to break it. “Why were you out?”
Kaito sighed and gritted his teeth before speaking. “My team’s all a bunch of bullshit. We haven’t heard from Michelle or Djimon in months, Lyra’s a goddamn space cadet, and I don’t even know if Prince Johnny’s even fucking alive!” Kaito’s voice caught. “And Tom… Tom abandoned me.”
Noriko thought back to earlier in her investigation, the Fairy Fellers all crowding the bus, chattering and joking. It could be annoying sometimes, but… With Connor currently checking on his family and Ric always checking out of team conversation, she’d already started to feel a hole on the bus. Hearing about Kaito’s situation, with half the team completely missing in action, especially the man who’d been with him in Venice…
“I’m sorry about him,” Noriko said. “You were a real pain to fight in Venice.”
“Yeah… Sorry about that.” Kaito recognized a compliment when he heard it, and grinned up at his former opponent and newfound ally. “Let’s kick this rich guy’s butt. Wait, uh… what’s his name again?”
“Alcove,” Noriko replied. “Tom Alcove.”
Kaito blinked, and his grin widened. This was about to be cathartic.
Up a hill that led to a scenic cliffside view, the bus pulled over into the lane beside him, accelerating slowly, as if trying to catch up with him. Tom narrowed his eyes, letting his foot off the gas to let the bus pass, but much to his horror, it didn’t. There was a rumbling as amber liquid poured from the bus, coalescing beneath it, bubbling and burbling until—
The scent of whiskey filled the air as the fermented liquor exploded, launching the bus a great length and high above, As it soared over his own vehicle, plumes of bubbles streamed out of opened windows, deftly floating ahead and laying out into carpet on the road ahead of him. Indeed, the bus made a miraculously safe landing, skidding out slightly with the popping of bubbles and the hiss of hydraulics.
Tom, meanwhile, slammed on his brakes, wheels screeching at the sudden deceleration. That was more than just horrid driving. That was intentional, the work of an enemy Stand user... Tom narrowed his eyes, trying to make out the driver as he gripped his steering wheel tightly. The bus was long enough to block off every single lane, rendering him unable to get around… to get to Tim.
His anger was hidden behind tired eyes, and he stepped out of his car, the smell of whiskey filling his nostrils. He called loudly to the driver, who would easily be able to hear him. “What on Earth are you thinking?! I have places to be!”
He opened his mouth to say more, but the bus doors swung open, and Noriko and Kaito stepped outside to confront him, the former holding a dossier that she read clearly from. “Thomas Alcove, CFO of Lyte LTD,” she began, eyes flickering between the man and the file. “May I ask you some questions about XPLICIT?”
Tom’s brow furrowed, his fists curling slightly. This was hardly good. “No.” He responded sharply, pulling his pen from his breast pocket and beginning to click it absentmindedly. “You may not. I don’t have the time.”
“Well then.” Kaito interjected, lowering his stance to one of more aggression. “I’m sure we can make time, or, at the very least, make you talk.” Noriko nodded in agreement, and Tom squared his shoulders, prepared for combat as he spun his pen through his fingers. He was off the clock: he had no interest in dealing with work issues.
”Unless you go quietly, it’ll be the last thing you brats will do.”
Location: A beach-side highway somewhere in California.
The road is 10 meters wide with a dropoff to the shore to the south and a hill to the north, similar to the picture. The players and boss start 15 meters away from each other on the right side of the road facing each other. Both sides have their respective vehicles a meter behind them, however they cannot be driven at the time.
The sea is 10 meters south of the road; there is a speed limit sign 7.5 meters between the players and the boss on the north side of the road; and there are two overpass signs, one 15 meters behind both sides. There is a guard rail on the south side like the picture shows, the stakes are wooden and the bar is made of coated metal.
The bus has normal bus driving equipment and maintenance gear: a spare tire, medical kit, fire extinguisher, and other essentials. Additionally, the bus happens to have fiberglass paneling on the sides and most of the back, in areas that buses would normally have it, although with effort it can be torn off. For some reason, the bus also has a coffin on board.
Goal: RETIRE your opponents!
Additional Information: Note for the players, that camping or running away too far will be detrimental given that you are giving the boss a chance to book it.
Boss Information:
Name: Thomas Alcove
Age: 42
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Occupation: CFO of Lyte, Tom Alcove, Former Investor for Section 80.
Personality: Tom, put bluntly, is quite the stick in the mud. The straightlaced square so involved in his work you’re left wondering if he has any hobbies, any joys in life aside from a job well done, and giving subordinates the side eye when his tea’s not done quite right. He comes across as hard-to-impress, but above all, detached, keeping things and people alike at an arm's-length distance, with the sole exception of his son, Timothy.
This detached, slightly bitter, slightly prickish attitude displayed by Tom is the perfect repellent for most of his co-workers, and he couldn’t be happier, generally preferring solitude, or at the very least, not being pestered. Most of these negative traits are a built-up exterior to hide a rather polite, mild, and sensibly kind interior, hidden chiefly due to past experiences, and the desire to not be taken advantage of by more cruel players in the industry.
When alone, or at his home, these crueller qualities are shed entirely. First and foremost, Tom is a father, there to guide, correct, and love. He has a matching sense of humour, often unable to stave off the urge to tell a groan-worthy joke to his son. He has hobbies like early morning jogs, and collecting limited edition coins. He finds great fun in browsing through truly atrocious cookbooks from a bygone era, playing old rock records, and arranging tea paraphernalia.
Physical Description: One look at Tom, and you can tell he’s a busy man, work not a source of income, but a way of life. He’s light skinned, with prominent cheekbones, a rather sharp nose, lips that usually speak of his annoyance, and vibrant blue eyes that are shadowed by dark rings beneath them. His hair is dark brown, and styled upwards in a double helix, ending in points that are reminiscent of devil horns. There’s a thick gray streak that runs through his hair, other strands by his scalp slowly showing the same colour.
He’s very tall, standing at 6’4, but also very lithe, with broad shoulders, and proper posture. There are thin, silvery glasses perched upon his nose, and he wears formal clothing in dark colours- blues, greys and blacks. His outfit usually consists of a dress shirt and a blue ascot beneath a crisply dry-cleaned waistcoat. He wears plain dress slacks, held up by blue suspenders, and matching his waistcoat. His shoes are dressy, without much beyond that. The real eyecatcher to his outfit is his jacket; a dark coloured throw-over with a collar and material resembling a suit jacket, although it is much longer, with coattails that reach his ankles. On the right sleeve is text that reads “SECTION 80”, and on either elbow are patches that resemble subtraction signs. The back of said jacket has quite some flair, a sliver chain on the small of its back, held in place by multiplication signs, The lapel and bottoms of the jacket are made of a polished metal.
Art of Tom and his Stand by our own Judge Dimi!
Equipment:Various keys on a small keyring, a smartphone, a wallet made of fine leather, containing cards, cash, coins, and small photos of him and Tim doing various activities together, his silver wristwatch, and a second blue ascot.
Strength: 2 - Tom possesses average strength for a man of his size and age, nothing much of note here.
Agility: 4 - Having an aversion to most sports, and finding activities such as weightlifting quite dull, whilst still wanting to remain active and healthy, Tom took up running over a decade ago, and it has paid dividends to this day.
Endurance: 2 - Tom also possesses average endurance.
Office Aerobics: 4 - Long limbs often come with visuals of manoeuvring around in a gangly, awkward, manner. Not so for Tom, however, who’s litheness and agility allow him to make his way around the battlefield in unconventional ways with ease. Low gravity, underwater, or up in the air? He’s got it on lock.
Penmanship: 2 - When working closely with a single pen for years and years, one truly comes to know its strengths; writing with a steady hand, where the laser pointer will fall, and how to write up a damn clean signature.
STAND NAME: 「Money Trees」
Stand Type: Bound/Humanoid
Stand Appearance: When in its pen form, 「Money Trees」 appears as a simple silver-black pen with three colors: red, blue, and black.
When in its humanoid form, it looks like a small, black, limbless robot with a round, featureless head, save for some wide, flat bolts screwed into either side of its head, and a glowing white line that goes straight down the middle of its face, flanked by two circle eyes in the same colour, bisected vertically by a line. 「Money Trees」’s head leads into a thin, sleek neck, and a triangular torso. From its shoulders protrude two small brick magnets, and from its shoulder sockets, two horseshoe magnets. It lacks arms, but has hands with disc magnets on the back. There’s also a disc magnet beneath 「Money Trees」’ torso, a horseshoe magnet immediately beneath it, and two brick magnets on either side of the horseshoe magnet. It hovers in midair, a visible magnetic field pulsing from the different magnets on its body. 「Money Trees」 is also seen carrying or otherwise levitating a very large brick magnet with incredible ease.
Stand Ability: Pen Form - The pen acts as a laser pointer; when Tom points it at a metal object, he can envelop it in a spherical, faintly glowing magnetic field, one side is red for N charge, the other blue for S charge. Additionally, he can set metals as ‘null’, unable to be affected by 「Money Trees」’s magnetism.
If he draws a loop with the pointer, upon its completion, a magnetic field will be created within that boundary, the field’s glow indicating its charge. Tom can click the pen to freely change the orientation of any object/fields in range, as well as turning the magnetism “on, off, and null”.
These magnetic fields affect all metals, regardless of their innate ferromagnetism, or in layman's terms, even metals that are not normally able to be magnetised.
Humanoid Form - While free from the pen, 「Money Trees」 can create, reshape, and telekinetically move a peculiar metal—also known as Money, which is very similar to silver—within range that’s larger than a quarter. It can also predefine the magnetic field of Money as it’s being created.
Power: C - The magnetic pull (and thus push for similarly charged objects) is at C POW, as is the Stand’s physical force. The size of a magnetic field/affected object has no effect on the power of the magnetic pull; a large and a small loop will both create a single force vector of C POW. Additionally, while ordinary metal affected by the magnetic force cannot harm Stands, Money can, as can anything of 「Money Trees」’s creation.
Speed: A - Although larger quantities of Money are harder to move due to their weight, 「Money Trees」 can move incredibly and ‘metalbend’ quickly. Similarly, application and adjustments of its magnetism abilities occur at incredible speeds, much faster than Tom’s clicking may imply.
Durability: E - 「Money Trees」 in both forms is incredibly fragile. However, while the pen does not transfer damage, it takes 5 seconds to regenerate if destroyed and all magnetic fields created will be dispelled. Similarly, although Money can affect Stands, it is also incredibly fragile. However, the more of it is accumulated, the harder it becomes to break.
Range: C - While 「Money Trees」 is bound to E Range of Tom, its ability range is 20 meters. If Tom leaves the range of a magnetized object or a field, he can no longer change its magnetism, but the effect remains.
Precision: A - Not only is Tom incredibly adept at using the Pen form, 「Money Trees」 is incredibly precise with its movement, senses, and ability usage, having the ability to freely remold Money into any shape. Moreover, Tom can choose whether or not to be affected by 「Money Trees」’s ability.
Stand Oddities: 「Money Trees」’s pen form functions as a perfectly good pen, with unlimited amounts of red, blue, black ink.
Team Combatant JoJolity
Civil Disobedients Yuigahama Kaito “What you owe me… can never be payed back with money!” Baroness, Tom, and now another goddamn Tom. You've had the hell beaten out of you so far, and you’re the only one who seems to think you’re worth anything. Now it's time to prove everyone else wrong. Prove your worth, and be inventive and showy as possible with your and Noriko's Stand while you beat this enemy into the ground!
Fairy Fellers Noriko Yabuuchi “Think about it. There’s gasoline in bikes.” But you don’t care about bikes when you have your bus right there. You may not be able to get away with driving it against this opponent, but you can still make use of it! Use the bus and anything in it in interesting and creative ways in the match!
Lyte Ltd. Tom Alcove “You can find iron anywhere in this world. Of course, it's in sand, as well as spring water and plants. Large amounts of iron can be found in vegetables like spinach and meats like liver...” While you’re certainly able to make your own [Money], you’re just as capable of punishing these punks by creative use of what’s already there. Use the metal in the surroundings in your strategy, and make it count in taking down these upstarts!
Link to the Official Player Spreadsheet
Link to R3 Match Schedule
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submitted by Logic_Sandwich to StardustCrusaders [link] [comments]

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure OC Tournament #4: R3M10 - Connor Pruckette vs. Nora Kleid

The results are in for Match 8. The winner is…
Autumn Miranda Jasper, with a score of 72 to Garland’s 63!
Category Winner Point Totals Comments
Popularity Autumn Jasper 22-18 Despite Autumn’s early lead, Garland rode the tide of the classic “PHD Curse” to catch up, ending the vote 5-4!
Quality Autumn Jasper 26-21 Reasoning
JoJolity Tie 24-24 Reasoning
With that, we must now sadly bid goodbye to Team Earth, Tower of Terra, the third team to be eliminated from Tournament 4. They slipped under the radar in Round 1, and didn’t win a single match Round 2, but their high-profile ties that round proved they were a force to be reckoned with, as did their very close losses this round.
Let’s take a moment to remember…
8th/7th Place: Darwin Glerman and Bhangra Mendhi - This duo got caught in a game of Tetris played by Oscar K Computer, and they just couldn’t clear their rows.
6th Place: Jianbin Zhuge - For all his talk about his ancestral heritage, he lost to an upstart Baroness in a ski chase worthy of a spy thriller!
5th Place: Professor Bernal - The horse-whisperer ended up losing her match betting on the Kentucky derby by default when she attacked her opponent.
4th/3rd Place: Colorado Blue and Mars - Mars spent her first round winning a jungle relay race, while Colorado was defeated by Mylo Xyloto in a battle on the rooftops of Detroit, but through a twist of circumstance was still given the opportunity to move on to the next round, where he and Mars lost a game of Brazilian football to a Prince and a “Hero.”
2nd Place: Robbert Chitter - One of the only ACT Stand-users in the tournament, in the first round he advanced to Round and ACT 2 by winning a relay race in the jungle with Mars, and just scraped by into Round 3 after a double-tie in Guatemala. Sadly, this round he fell to the forces of 「m.A.A.d city」 in Los Angeles.
1st Place: Garland - It was only fitting that one of the strangest builds in this tournament had one of the strangest, and most impressive, runs to get to this point. First he faced off against the All-American cryptic Spider-Vic in a daring art heist, and followed it up with a stalemate against the equally confident and capable Killian Keyes in the site of Electric Grapevine’s second defeat. And how else could someone like Garland go out but by being turned into a salmon and coming in second place in a race up a waterfall?
Tower of Terra may be out of the game, but their presence can still be felt… For example, one of their former opponents is currently fighting for his life against a “superhero?” in an under-construction train tunnel.
Scenario - Las Vegas, Nevada:
The rack was lifted up from the balls, and the cue immediately clacked against them hard, two of them sinking on the break. Connor stood up, examining the table state and running quick calculations. “Good job setting them out, Kris!” He cheered, clapping the younger man on the back as 「Megalovania」 bickered and cheered behind him, inaudible to the others at the small dive bar.
The other man, clad in a pool-patterned polo Connor had acquired for him, almost certainly with Ric’s eponymous credit card. “You want to switch cues?” He asked, three different ones that Connor had carefully coached him in the differences between. Connor nodded, taking one made of a slightly different maple wood than the first.
He lined up his shot, easily sinking two more balls, and grinning. “I’ve been thinking about the game.” He said, standing up and straightening his back.
“...Nine-ball?” Kris asked.
“Well, I’m always thinking about nine-ball, but I’m talking about the tournament.” Connor responded. “I had some things I wanted to talk with you about it.” He smiled genially at Kris. “How did you like your match?” He asked.
Kris pursed his lips, thinking. “I think I’d prefer to have won, sure.” He said. “But I got to show off my abilities, and I must’ve made some sort of impression!” He fished out his phone, showing off the screen. “I’ve been hanging around third place in the popularity polls, for whatever reason.” He gave Connor a hearty thumbs up, 「Under Pressure」holding the cues.
Connor returned it, setting up his next shot. “I’ve been having some fun myself. The match against that nice girl was some of the most fun I’ve had in years, and pairing up with Noriko was certainly a unique experience!” He easily sunk two more balls.
Kris nodded. “Yeah, she’s seemed a little friendlier lately… though it’s still hard to get a read on her,” he said, not seeming too bothered about it.
Connor examined the table. I’ve been looking into some things, but I think with all of the excitement I’ve been dealing with, I could go with something… a little more easygoing.” He moved around the table, looking at the last three balls on the table. “Things have been really intense lately, I suppose. I’ve had enough excitement for a while.”
Kris perked up, and snapped his fingers. “Oh! Connor, that just reminded me of something I was thinking about!” He tapped his phone, reading off something from the UU app. “I think this is a match all about bingo. You know, a bunch of elderly with blotters, only danger there might be is you having to fend off fans! I’m sure you’ll fit right in.”
Connor set up his shot. “Hmm. ‘Bingo’, you say? I’ve never played it before… I’ve heard some of the people who play it can be dangerous if you get in their way.” He shifted over a few millimeters, cue perfectly poised on the ball. “In either case, Kris, something like bingo sounds….” With an audible ping, his eye glowed bright blue as he took his shot. “Perfect.”
The sound of knitting needles clacking together echoed in the front hall of the 「Bohemian Archive」. A small fire roared in the fireplace. Nora had put the only two members of Oceans 11 remaining in the Archive to bed. She didn’t expect them to be getting much sleep at all, with how much energy Jack had to go through all of the information Hadrian and Demis had stolen.
Not that she could blame the two, she had only glanced at it, and there was just so much to dig through. Mountains of information, all of which could be put together, making a web of culpability to point to… something. She hadn’t had that long to look at it, after all!
“I’m really very proud of the boys,” she mused. “Jack’s really come into his own, I think. He’s really relaxed around me and Hadrian, and he’s been doing some just lovely work with helping us out. Buggy’s been doing well too, recovering at least.”
“Hadrian’s really made me proud. He just seemed so… hopeless, when I first met him. I don’t like that Niyaz fellow one bit, but something that happened in Argentina has changed him, and for the better! He’s such a lovely man at times, I’d hate for him to die before such an old fart as myself when I can help it!” She let her head back, still knitting up a storm, cackling.
Calming down, she continued. “As suspicious as the ARG is, I can’t help but feel fond of some parts of it. Hmm. I’ve been so busy with my investigations and all I haven’t actually had any time for myself, thinking about it!”
A moment passed. “Well, I am between investigations and all, I could take some time for myself. I could probably give my spot to Jack, but that wouldn’t be much fun at all, would it?” She barreled on. “I remember seeing a hint about a bingo match. It’s a little bit stereotypical, sure, but a bit of bingo sounds like it could be fun. Besides, I want to save some of my energy, it wouldn’t do to beat someone up, and I can hardly see how they can turn bingo dangerous… though with some of the participants of the blasted thing, I should never doubt.” She nodded to herself. “...Maybe Cal would be there too. I do hope so, Stand users attract other ones.”
“All things considered, I think I’ll be going out to do it, as long as it hasn’t been snapped up by someone else. It would do to get out of the Archive and have a little fun.” She finished.
Paracadute, knitting as well, with the care of someone new to it, continued. He sat across from her, in a black and white outfit that was at once extraordinarily high quality, high thread count, and comfortable to wear. Yet it felt as much a straightjacket as the one that Nora had trapped him in days ago. “That’s… wonderful to hear Mrs. Kleid. Absolutely lovely to hear you getting out of the Archive.”
He hesitated, looking away and asking meekly, “May I please go out of the Archive too, Mrs. Kleid?”
Nora smiled at him, one cheery and genuine. She simply responded to him, “No.”
The Casino Chiaroscuro. A glorious, old casino built in the late 1940s to cater to men coming back from the war, to emulate the glories of old Europe. A gaudy place, built in the heart of Las Vegas, it was nonetheless relatively small by the city’s standards, tucked away, somewhere that catered to older, more refined clientele.
Connor sauntered up to the casino, in his normal outfit. He hadn’t seen fit to show up to a Match in anything different so far, and he wouldn’t change it now. He made his way in, poking around the area and making his way to the bar. He was used to glitzy places, it’s where he’d done quite a few matches in his heyday, and now it would be a match of a different sort.
He ordered a soda and sipped at it, checking his phone every so often, waiting for something to happen. He was one hundred percent sure about the location, of course, so he could only wait for an opponent to appear.
After waiting for a few minutes, he heard a clearing throat behind him, a kindly but assertive voice, making itself known. “Hello, is this seat taken?”
Connor turned around to it, recognizing the speaker immediately and grinning. “By all means, take it if you like!” He said, patting the stool and going back to his drink.
While she was always impeccably dressed, a trip to the casino was an occasion for Nora to bring out her best. Without impeding any of the thief’s range of motion, Nora’s dress was long, reaching the floor, and dark blue in color. Completely knitted, and with regular words on it. KLEID, KLEID, KLEID, with a small telescope after each word, in what would have looked chaotic and arrogant without the sheer bravado that Nora exuded. It opened over her chest, showing off a black cardigan underneath with an incredibly realistic pattern of Neptune on it. Her hair was worn in its normal way, a small hat in a jaunty angle, large, knitted feather drooping off of it.
Connor nodded approvingly at her getup. “My, I feel underdressed for such esteemed company!” He marveled. Nora laughed, shifting around in her bag a bit and pulling out a woolen mass and tossing it to Connor. “If you can’t handle life without some Kleidiscope goods, here you go!” He opened it up, revealing a lavender vest with a subtle, mesmerizing pattern and “FAIRY FELLERS” embroidered on the breast in large writing.
She slipped into the seat, ordering some water as Connor excitedly put his new vest on. She sideyed Connor’s drink. “Soda, huh? Maybe I should come back in a few years when you’ve ruined your body with that, hm?” She jabbed playfully.
Connor pulled his coat on and carefully took another sip. “Well, I’ve been having soda since I was a boy, and it’s done a worse job at killing me than being hooked on booze would have. And I suppose you’re here to face me?” He paused. “Dear, I suppose we’re so familiar with each other through the game that I forgot how to be polite! My name’s Connor Pruckette, 9-ball champion. Mind if I ask yours?” He extended his hand.
Nora took it, shaking it heartily. “Lenoir Kleid. Everyone calls me Nora. Came here because I felt bingo would be funny for such an old fart like me.”
Connor swirled his soda. “A teammate recommended it to me, and I just couldn’t turn down a challenge!”
Nora’s smile turned menacing, seeming to look through Connor. “And my teammate is currently still recovering from some bullet holes where your teammate had shot him.” She said, frostily.
Connor immediately waved his hands. “Jeez, I wanted some relative peace and quiet. Hey, if you should blame anyone, blame the other sniper there. Sofia has had some… bad experiences with those folk, I’m sure she wouldn’t have been as...driven as she was otherwise.”
Nora stared at him a few moments longer, the tension mounting, and suddenly dissipating. “Surely. Well, I’m not facing her, I suppose.” She laughed to herself. “If ‘Sofia’ cares at all, Buggy is recovering well.”
Connor graced her with a genuine smile. “I’m very glad to hear that!”
The duo continued to talk, first about their teams, and then about their family. Ten minutes passed, then twenty. Nora talked about how she had dealt with the death of her husband, and Connor about how he was worried for some of his wilder grandchildren. Thirty minutes. Forty. They talked about their professions. Secret, forbidden nine ball techniques. How big corporations were ruining fashion. By the time their phones rang, they had spent a full hour at the bar together, enjoying each others company.
Nora and Connor instantly scrambled as one to open their phones, identical grins wide on their faces. The eponymous mascot of Urban Uprising, Andromeda, was on screen wearing a suit. It wasn’t as bold as Nora’s attire, of course, but there was a certain chic air to it: typical black tie attire, but adorned with her favored iridescent trim and a faint eight-pointed star pattern tessellating along the lapels and sleeves.
Before Andromeda could so much as open her mouth, Connor interrupted. “Howdy, Andromeda!” He said, tipping his hat a bit. “It’s been a while since I saw you last, how have you been?”
Andromeda paused, seeming caught off guard, after recovering gracing Connor with a smile. “Oh, I’ve been stellar!” She beamed. “I may have been off the air, but I’ve been doing some... restructuring of the way things are done a little. It’s been a busy time for the people who are helping make this work, but it’s all worth it to make things more fun for everyone.” She cleared her throat, whispering conspiratorially. “You’re actually the first contestant to ask me that, I think.”
Nora spoke up herself. “Oh, speaking of which, Andromeda, is Cal sill working for you?” Andromeda nodded slowly, waiting for Nora to continue. Nora thought a bit about her words. “...I suppose he’s still not ready to talk.” She said with a measure of sadness. “Well! Is he doing well, at the least?”
“Calendar’s been doing very well in the Admin work, yes!” Andromeda smiled softly. “And… he still apparently hasn’t called.” She clicked her tongue in disappointment. “I’m really sorry about that, I’ll try talking to him again. I can’t make him do anything, but you deserve better than this.” Her guard seemed lowered for a bit before she transitioned back into her hostess persona. “Let’s get into the Match!”
Connor and Nora listened patiently as Andromeda explained the rules, Connor speaking up once she finished. “Well… I can say I’ve had a lot of fun meeting you, Miss Kleid.” He and Nora stood up as one, carefully making their way over to the center of the casino. Eyes locked, stalking like predators.
“Dearie me.” Nora said. “I can’t help but feel the same.” Her voice carried an undercurrent of danger, as if she could kill someone with a glance, with her Bingo Intent. “I’ve just had a lovely time, and I’d absolutely adore spending a little while more with you.”
Connor’s grin simply grew, echoing a cockiness of years long past as Aggravated Intent To Bingo filled his own frame, invigorating him. “Indeed… I came here for a challenge, you know. Something to cool down from all the excitement. Tell you what.” They got to the center of the casino, facing each other. “‘Loser’ 🥈 buys the ‘winner’ 🥇some ‘drinks’ 🍻 and ‘beverages’ 🥤 to cool off?”
Nora slid a hand up her leg, leaving it at her hip, the other on her neck. She snapped into a pose, eyes and body burning with energy, as 「Doll Judgement」 appeared in a flash, its arms interlaced with hers in a dynamic, impossible seeming pose. “If you wanted a ‘challenge’... then dearie, I think you’ve found what you wanted. I just wonder, is it more than you can handle, dear?”
Connor crouched down, an arm sweeping in front of him, and around, the balls of 「Megalovania」 coming out from behind it He locked into a pose, Stand spread out around him and crouched down further than seemed natural. In an instant, he looked up at his opponent, eye flashing. “I guess we’ll find out…. Well Nora… are you ready to have a GOOD TIME?”
“Yeah!” With a vim and vigour contrasting the relatively sedate surroundings, Andromeda cheered out her signature line from their phones, fired up and clapping her hands enthusiastically. However prim and proper she looked in her suit, her excitement at what was sure to be a great match got the best of her. “Here we go...”
Location: The (fictional) Casino Chiaroscuro in Las Vegas, Nevada. There are three floors, on Floor 1 are the slot machines, on Floor 2 are the card and pool tables as well as where the players start, and on Floor 3 is a bar and lounge area. Each floor is 50 by 50 meters, 5 by 5 meters per tile, and there is about 5 meters between floors.
The marked red circles are stairway rooms with openings and exits on all sides, the orange squares are slot machines, the brown rectangles are poker tables, and the teal rectangles are pool tables, the purple circles are tables, and the green L shapes are bar counters with bartenders denoted by the orange circles.
The area is packed with people around the slot machines, tables and bars with a decent amount of people also just walking around so you may have to squeeze past people in the more crowded areas. Every game table has a fully seated game going, people are playing on both sides of the slot machines, and people are drinking at the bar counters and at tables resting.
The people have 222 Physical stats and won’t pay much attention to you, but will shove back if you try to push them to get to one of the objectives. The bartenders have 433 Physicals and 4s in Bartending, they will also try to prevent anybody else from trying to get back behind their respective bar counter, however they may not always be observant while serving drinks or attending to other duties.
Goal: Score a bingo before your opponent does! The stars are colored oversized bingo balls about the size of a softball and are objectives to collect to win the match with more elaborations bellow. The balls are all on the floor, the stars that are on the tables just mean that the ball is underneath that table.
In the case that neither player can complete a bingo with the tokens taken, the current balls will immediately deactivate, losing their color, and new balls will be placed in the locations. In essence, the game state is entirely reset.
While nothing necessarily stops you from harming your opponent, you’ve spent a lot of time getting to know them and you aren’t here to hurt someone. Seriously harming your opponent will lead to you RETIREing out of shame!
Additional Information: Both players have the same three by three bingo sheet, and for an easier time remembering, the stars are roughly located in the area they are on the sheet compared to the map. The Dark Blue star being in the top left corner of the map for example.
The balls have to be in the player’s hands in order for them to be counted. Balls may not be stolen once they are already counted.
Team Combatant JoJolity
Fairy Fellers Connor Pruckette “Hap-py Joy-py Yorupiku-ne~!” You're here to blow off some steam, so do so! Have as much fun as possible in your strategy, with a focus on smooth moves and flashy applications of your abilities! For bonus points, win of course, but help your opponent have fun as well!
Ocean’s 11 Nora Kleid “Well in this case, everyone’s happy, so it’s fine.” You're here to blow off some steam, so do so! Have as much fun as possible in your strategy, with a focus on smooth moves and flashy applications of your abilities! For bonus points, win of course, but help your opponent have fun as well!
Link to the Official Player Spreadsheet
Link to R3 Match Schedule
As always, if you would like to interact with the tournament community and be among the first to get updates for the tournament, please feel free to PM a member of our Judge staff for an invite to our Official Discord Server!
submitted by Logic_Sandwich to StardustCrusaders [link] [comments]

The Dark Saga of the Hierra Legacy (Warning, very long)

First off, I never intended for this family legacy to go this way, most of it was just me trying to set up circumstances for the game as I don't usually play for multiple generations, mostly I move onto a new random character when the previous one died. With that said, I really like how this one legacy is turning out, storywise only, you'll see why. The parts in parenthesis are my own personal thoughts or comments on the games events.

So now, let me tell you a story. A story of a single family and their dark secret.
Our story begins in Mexico City, Mexico with the birth of a baby girl named Sofia Hierra, born to Mariangel Hierra, a 36 year-old flight attendant. Her father is unknown. She was conceived on the washing machine. The machine was on the spin cycle. (I feel like if this detail is known, then the father should be known.)
Sofia has a half-sister, Lila Hierra, who is two years older than Sofia.
Sofia's first experience of the two decade abuse from her mother and sister is at the tender age of 4. Sofia and Lila argued about Sofia's hatred of vegetables, with Sofia calling her half-sister an imbecile. In response, Lila shot Sofia in the waist with a crossbow. (yes, a crossbow. I spent a good minute staring at the pop-up saying that, wondering where the hell a 6 year-old got that from.) At 5, Sofia and her mother got into an argument about death. Mariangel attacked Sofia when Sofia called her psycho.
Sofia suffered mental and physical illnesses throughout her childhood. At age 6, she was diagnosed with anxiety when she started elementary school. She is also diagnosed with depression a year later. At 8, she started suffering from insomnia. And at 9, she got lice. Mariangel finally took Sofia to a doctor, not out of love, but out of a selfish desire to rid herself of hearing her daughter's sleepless nights and to protect herself from lice. (I just went to get the lice removed, didn't know insomnia was an option to be treated for) Luckily, with her hair safe and finally receiving much needed sleep at nights, Sofia found herself recovering mentally and within a year, she was no longer suffering from anxiety and depression. But she still lacked any love from her mother, who refused to lend Sofia any money. Sofia decided that the year she could emigrate legally, she was going to; she didn't care where to she would go, as anywhere was better than this hell that she was born in and forced through.
Disease reared it's ugly head when Sofia was 12 and she was diagnosed with scarlet fever, though her mother took Sofia to the hospital to have her treated, but again, only as an effort to protect herself from catching scarlet fever.
At 13, Sofia realized that if she wanted to emigrate and escape this place, she would need money, money her mother would never give her if Sofia asked. She was too young to get a job, even a part-time job, so she put up ads for dog walking, pet sitting, babysitting, anything she could do to earn money. Some of her more notable and, unique, clients were a rapper, a YouTube celebrity, a cowboy, plus-sized model, a marijuana farmer, a troll (I immediately thought of trolls from fantasy stories), a young millennial, a degenerate, a punk rocker, a MILF, a social media influencer, an exotic dancer, a college professor (hired as a tutor....I worry for that professors students), a cheerleader, and a missionary. When Sofia graduated from high school, she did not apply to any colleges, instead she started working part-time as a newspaper delivery person for Mexico City Times. Sofia also worked on a bee farm as an Apprentice Beekeeper.
Finally, the day arrived. Sofia turned 18 and applied for immigration to Lausanne, Switzerland. Once there, she enrolled in community college and was hired part-time as a mailroom attendant. Once she graduated community college, Sofia applied for university and was accepted. She decided to major in English.
Sofia then joined a dating app and paired with a restaurant worker named Colin Gerber. Sofia and Colin started dating and before their one year anniversary, Sofia was pregnant with Colin's baby. Sofia determined that she will be unable to raise a child in a university dorm, so she bought a small, 1bd/1br loft to live in and a 5-year old green Mazda CX-3. Sofia graduated from university with an undergraduate degree in English and she successfully gave birth to a baby boy, naming him Lucas Gerber. Sofia wished to further her education and applied to graduate school and she was accepted. But Sofia and Lucas started to argue (I gave him some Altoids as a gift. I did not know what they were.) but they managed to stay together. A few months later and Sofia was pregnant with her and Colin's second child. Sofia decided to break up with Colin when she received the news of her pregnancy, he told her that the condom hadn't ripped. (I was just a dumbass and didn't know that to put Sofia on birth control I had to go to the fertility clinic menu). On the rebound, Sofia paired with, and started dating, a police officer named Sebastien Frey. Her second pregnancy went just as smoothly as her first and she gave birth to another baby boy, Eduardo Gerber.
Sofia completed graduate school but was unable to find any work within her field, so she took on the position of Jr. Bartender for Iris Café, quitting her part-time job as Mailroom Attendant. Her relationship with Sebastien became rocky soon after, starting with an argument where Sebastian asked Sofia to go on birth control and Sofia refusing, scolding him for it. (Nothing intentional, I had just misclicked here). Sofia ended her relationship with Sebastien. Deciding she was having no luck with dating apps, Sofia started having one night stands. She told her flings not to bother with any condoms, Sofia was taking the infallible pill after all, no condoms necessary. (This is just me roleplaying how she would think) Sometimes, Sofia would contact her flings, sometimes for more, sometimes for talking. She once sent her half sister, Lila, an audio clip of Sofia's moaning sounds but pretended that nothing happened. (Why Sofia still has Lila's number, I cannot fathom. Sofia moved away 11 years ago and never interacted with her sister, as the first and only time she did so, ended with Sofia being shot by her sister with a crossbow).
Sofia gave her job her 2-weeks and started working as a Jr. Animator. At age 33, Sofia "fell out of bed and injured [her] hair for 7 days." (Someone please explain to me how this one works). Then Sofia went to a casino. She won some hands and came out $22,500 ahead that session. After one interesting hookup, Sofia contracted gonorrhea. One day after a work meeting, Sofia's boss offered her some oxycodone, which Sofia accepted.
Years later, Sofia ended her job as an animator and began working as a reporter and took on a part-time job as a mystery shopper. Sofia started thinking "that if all humans are truly unique, then we must also all be totally typical." Sofia could not afford to pay for her son, Eduardo's college education. Sofia took to gambling to fix that, winning at a session of blackjack. She quit her job as reporter, and started as a writer, finally her dream job that she got her degree for.
Then at age 46, Sofia's mother, Mariangel died of natural causes. Sofia was unable to attend the funeral held in Mexico because she lived in Switzerland, but she wouldn't have even bothered to go if she could. Her mother left all her inheritance to Lila. (Really there was an inheritance, of around $300, so I prefer to think that everything was left to the half-sister.)
Then she fell. It was a single session of blackjack at Arabian Lausanne Casino. At first it was only $1,000 lost, then Sofia bet more to get it back, and lost that too, then she raised it again. She needed to get her money back. Then she lost a hand of $100,000. She tried to leave, but security stopped her and the casino told her she needed to pay her debt of $124,840. She didn't have that kind of money! Sofia tried to run, but was tackled at the door by security. Convicted of defrauding a casino, Sofia was sentenced to 2 years in prison. She was fired from both her writing job and her mystery shopper job. She wouldn't last 2 years in this prison, she needed to escape. She was caught trying to escape and her sentence was extended. She escaped a year later and sold her house and car and took on a job as a Pornography Historian. Maybe if she didn't commit any crimes and worked to pay off her debt, she wouldn't be sent back to prison.
Her job wasn't cutting it, barely denting her debt. She started small, only pickpocketing. Then desperation kicked in and she stole a car to sell. It made a bigger impact on her debt, so she stole another. If she could steal a car, then she could burgle a home. She broke into a hippie's house, she was caught by the hippie, but she escaped before any police arrived. Then she burgled some homes and got out with goods to sell. The cops caught her trying to steal a truck and sentenced to 13 years. She was fired again and she tried to escape again, but surrendered to the cops when she realized it was impossible for her to escape. More escape attempts over the years, finally escaping after 5 years. No job would take her, so she went back to stealing. One house was a set up and a police SWAT team was there waiting for her. Now sentenced to 43 years, it was extended by 12 years for another escape attempt and starting a riot. (What are those for? the riots, what good do they do?) Another successful escape and Sofia was on the run again. This time she found a job as a Porn Set Janitor. She contracted syphilis 3 years later from unsafe sex with a one night stand. After working jobs for a number of years, Sofia died at the age of 65, due to complications from old age, still in debt, with only $6,423 in debt at her death.
In the end of her life she was a thief, and Sofia Hierra died in her sleep at the age of 65. Her services were attended by her two sons, Lucas and Eduardo, her half sister, Lila, and her two grandsons.
A pretty and aggressive lady, she went on to graduate from graduate school. Sofia had several jobs over her life, most recently serving as a porn set janitor for Lausanne Film Institute. A feature film was commissioned on the ingenious way she once escaped from prison.
Now, this playthrough left me with some critics and some ideas on things that can be added to the game, but as a later generation is better suited to talk about them, I'll say what this one had that the others didn't. I think we should have an option as a kid, to run away from home.
And with her done for, I wanted to start a new life, but I decided to mess around as her son for 15 minutes first. That one, that one led to this families dark secret.
submitted by Phonyyx to BitLifeApp [link] [comments]

Gutenbriar Office Terminal

Note: This is copied from the first Discord server. The commands (which are in italics) have been slightly altered for better flow of reading.

Terminal "Gutenbriar Office Terminal" Connected.

Show files.
3 files: Children, Employees, Parents.

19 Employees available.

Show all.
  1. Derrick Gutenbriar
  2. Fritz Gutenbriar
  3. Sarah Dench
  4. Ronald Burke
  5. Kat
  6. Lester PulseError missing information.

Show children.
100 Children available

Show parents.
Parents file is empty
Show all children.
  1. OLIVIA -
  2. AMELIA -
  3. ISLA Up 1
  4. EMILY Down 1
  5. AVA -
  6. LILY Up 1
  7. MIA Up 5
  8. SOPHIA Down 2
  9. ISABELLA Up 6
  10. GRACE -
  11. POPPY Up 2
  12. ELLA Down 4
  13. EVIE Down 2
  14. CHARLOTTE Up 2
  15. JESSICA Down 6
  16. DAISY Up 3
  17. SOPHIE Down 3
  18. FREYA Down 1
  19. ALICE Up 1
  20. SIENNA Up 4
  21. IVY Up 14
  22. HARPER Up 17
  23. RUBY Down 5
  24. ISABELLE Down 2
  25. WILLOW Up 8
  26. PHOEBE Down 1
  27. EVELYN Up 2
  28. SCARLETT Down 7
  29. CHLOE Down 6
  30. FLORENCE Down 3
  31. ELSIE Up 5
  32. MILLIE Down 2
  33. LAYLA Down 1
  34. MATILDA Down 3
  35. ROSIE Up 2
  36. ESME Down 10
  37. EVA Down 9
  38. LUCY Down 4
  39. ARIA Up 6
  40. ELLIE Down 2
  41. SOFIA Up 2
  42. MAISIE Up 7
  43. ERIN Down 2
  44. LOLA Down 4
  45. LILLY Up 2
  46. THEA Up 2
  47. IMOGEN Down 5
  48. ELIZA Up 3
  49. BELLA Up 6
  50. MOLLY -
  51. HANNAH Down 5
  52. EMMA -
  53. VIOLET Up 4
  54. LUNA Up 31
  55. AMBER Down 2
  56. LOTTIE Up 13
  57. DARCIE Up 6
  58. MAYA -
  59. GEORGIA Down 5
  60. ELIZABETH Down 4
  61. ZARA Up 15
  62. PENELOPE Up 5
  63. HOLLY Down 19
  64. NANCY Down 2
  65. ROSE Down 6
  66. EMILIA Up 4
  67. HARRIET Down 2
  68. GRACIE Down 7
  69. DARCY Up 8
  70. MILA Up 9
  71. ORLA Up 18
  72. ABIGAIL Down 12
  73. JASMINE Down 7
  74. ELEANOR Up 1
  75. ANNA Down 11
  76. SUMMER Down 8
  77. ROBYN Up 6
  78. LEXI Down 6
  79. HEIDI Down 8
  80. ANNABELLE Down 7
  81. MARIA Up 9
  82. AURORA Up 35
  83. LEAH Up 4
  84. DARCEY Down 2
  85. VICTORIA Up 11
  86. HALLIE Up 44
  87. MARTHA Up 4
  88. AMELIE Down 14
  89. KATIE Down 1
  90. BONNIE Up 17
  91. ARABELLA Up 8
  92. LACEY Down 14
  93. ANNIE -
  94. NIAMH -
  95. LYLA -
  96. IRIS Up 6
  97. ZOE Down 11
  98. CLARA Up 10
  99. MADDISON Down 15
  100. MOLLY

Show info on Molly.
Showing...Age: 17Adoption Tries: 0
Origin: Age 13

Show info on Molly (#50.)
Age: 8Adoption Tries: 7
Origin: Age 8

Show info on Ronald Burke.
Showing...Age: 49Job Role: Janitor

Show notes.
1 Note available.
Molly is asking about her mother again and i cant bare to see her like this. To-Do: Spend time with Molly later -Sarah

Show information on terminal.
Terminal 12 years old...
Terminal property of R.R.C
Terminal due repairs in: 4 days
Terminal has: 8GB RAM
Terminal has: DS Graphics 10D Card
Terminal has: 0 Anti-Virus Protection Software
Terminal has: WPA Network
Terminal has: 5 users

Show users.
  1. The Shadow
  2. Derrick Gutenbriar
  3. Fritz Gutenbriar
  4. Sarah Dench
  5. Mark Fitch

Show information on the Shadow.
Account created: 20 minutes ago
Admin control: Full

Show information on Sarah Dench.
Age: 42
Job Role: Child Carer
No Criminal Background

Show current date.
28th December 2022

Show terminal location.
Atlanta, Georgia
Error Location Blocked by user "The Shadow"

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1 Image available.

Show image.

Show information on orphanage.
Built in 1958
Owner: Fritz Gutenbriar
Current Owner: Derrick Gutenbriar
Annual Budget: $50,000
Current Population: Unknown

Show info on Fritz Gutenbriar.
Information Blocked

Show info on Derrick Gutenbriar.
Age: 35
Job Role: Owner and Manager
No Criminal Background
R.R.C Information unlocked
Hit & Run on 4th July 2022
Smoking Habit

Show information on gambler.
Showing info...
Spent on average $38,000 in casinos this year
Casino: Del Rune

Show location of Del Rune casino.
Showing Location...
Error Location Blocked by user "The Shadow"

Show information on Olivia.
Age: 22
Job Role: Child Carer
No Criminal Background
R.R.C Information Unlocked
Smoking Habit
Satan Worshiper
Self Harm
Drug Addict

Show information on Mark Fitch
Age: 39
Job Role: Security Officer
No Criminal Background
R.R.C Information Unlocked
Cheating Husband
Car Theft

Show information on murder.
Murder of Charlie Bucket
34 Stab wounds

Show motive.
Affair with Wife
Anger Issues
Under influence of alcohol

Show date.
22nd June 2015

Show information on murderer.
Age: 39
Job Role: Security Officer at Gutenbriar Orphanage for girls.

Show information on Kat.

Show information on victim.
Charlie Bucket...
Age: 24
Job Role: Bartender at Del Rune

Show information on witnesses of event.

Show evidence.
Camera Footage is only Witness
Footage is out of bounds
Evidence is out of bounds

Show information on evidence.
Traffic Camera Footage
Bloody Shirt in nearby Dumpster

Show information on Del Rune.
Gambling Establishment
Location: Blocked
Annual Profit: $5,700,000
Owner: Henry Gesh
Built in 1960

Show information on Henry Gesh.
Age: 82
Job Role: Owner of Del Rune casino
No Criminal Background
R.R.C Information Unlocked

Show more information.
Loitering around ####### for 5 hours

Show date of crime.
15th October 1999

Show information on R.R.C.
System Breach
Protocol 9 Activated
Playing "National Anthem"
Connection lost

submitted by Wolfgang2002 to Local50News [link] [comments]

[Table] IAmA: I am Mike McDonald, a very lucky poker player. Ask me anything

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Date: 2014-12-02
Link to submission (Has self-text)
Questions Answers
1) You wake up tomorrow, poker is universally banned and you have say 20k left in your bank account (aka enough to live for a bit but you gotta find a way to make money or something). What's your game plan? Its so tough to answer these.
2) You wake up tomorrow, poker is universally banned, and you have all your money still. What do you do with your time? 1) Probably move into my parents basement and go back to school 2) I don't think I'd mind this one too much. Right now I'd say to an extent I'm biding my time, not really getting much better or much worse at poker(some years I think I'm elite, some years I think I'm not as good) and somewhat procrastinating finding anything else since I know poker is pretty sweet and anything else I get into is probably just a worse version of poker. I think I'd travel a lot more and see more than just casinos, gyms and hotels, I'd likely end up doing something completely unrelated to math, gambling, money... right now I think its somewhat likely I'd start a rock climbing gym but I have no idea if climbing is a 2-5 year fad for me or a true passion I'll have for my whole life. Probably in this example my life 80% of the time is almost identical to what it is now, I just play less televised poker tournaments.
2) Has Prat gotten cuntier since you took him under your wing? 8) FMK: Scott Seiver, Mike Watson, Prat. 8) F: Scott Seiver- I'd likely need to see him the least, K: mad dog, M: Prat- I think Prat would be one of the most straight-marriable people I know. With a prenub I'd probably marry Prat for <1mill.
4) You said at some point that Lunarch is the only company you've invested in. What is the weirdest investment opportunity someone has approached you with? The second-best opportunity? How did you turn the first down and why did you turn the second down? 6) How hard did you work at poker away from the tables two years ago? Five years ago? How hard do you work now? Do you feel like you will hit a point in your learning curve, if you haven't already, where the diminishing returns on studying will be so marginal that you will put it in cruise control? Or do you think the game is still evolving too much and super high rollers are tough enough that you need to constantly be pushing ahead to keep an edge? 3) I recently checked my other inbox and a guy from Ireland invited me to come visit him for some gay sex. After he saw the read receipt he sent a big long apology explaining how he's not a gold digger, he likes my personality and explained how he ran his family business as proof he isn't a gold digger. 4) I'll come back to this one. I get asked for shit so often. At this point when someone I used to be friends with asks me if I want to get coffee I preface it by saying "just as an fyi I don't go into business with friends" since so often they want to invest my money, sell my house or steal my kidneys.
10) In five years, what do you think the highest-earning Prismata grinder will be making per year? 6) 2 years ago very hard- I was very fresh after a year off and worked quite hard 2-3 years ago. 5 years ago not so much- hence "retiring". I think stakes are high enough that small edges add up to a lot, but especially against bad opponents I feel the marginal benefits of study are often limited.
7) FMK: Xuan, Liv, Sofia Lovgren. 7) F: I'd probably F Sofia, but I don't know her so I'll be political and say F Xuan, M Liv, K Sofia.
What's the hardest you've ever been owned in a live tournament? PCA ~3 years ago. I've never played with Curt Kohlberg, but seeing as he is old I assume he just overvalues hands and doesn't trust young people like most old people in PCA.
I raise HJ-1, he calls BB, fairly shallow to begin with, maybe ~60BB deep late day 1.
Flop: AQJr, check, I bet, he checkraises I call.
Turn: 6 putting out a flush draw, he checks I bet he calls.
River: 4, he checks, I shove for maybe 3/4 of pot he just instantly says "I don't see myself being good here" and instantly folds JJ face up.
Even if I never bluff, never shove AJ, I have 10 combos QQ,AA,KTs and 9 combos AQ ( I had KTs)
Most you've ever spent on an escort? Never slept with an escort. I'm not morally opposed to it, and I think at some point in my life I fairly likely will.
The most I would spend is at least 15k.
When I was 17, I was a millionaire and a virgin and I love the show heroes. Hayden Penteiere was the hottest girl in the world to me. I was bored at my parents cottage reading people magazine and they asked her "what is your dream" and she said "to spend a night in this underwater hotel in fiji which costs 15k a night". And I remember non-nonchalantly thinking "that can be arranged".
Hey Mike, What single moment in your life had you the most tilted, and also which moment was the happiest you have felt? (Doesn't have to be poker related) A year ago I went to make a smoothie. After 45 minutes of trying to figure it out I realized my smoothie maker was broken. My room mate had recently purchase a food processor and hadn't told me it is broken but he had told me it was difficult to use. I tried running it- it didn't work. I read over the instructions, it didn't work. I read start to finish, line to line the instructions and it didn't work. I was so mad after maybe 2-2.5 hours of trying to make a smoothie that I could barely even speak.
Happiest was probably going skydiving. The adrenaline rush from that was absolutely unbelievable.
How do you deal with telling new people you meet that you play poker professionally? Any funny stories trying to convince somebody that players can have edges and it's not all luck, or stories about validating poker as a job to parents or family (particularly when you weren't yet a well-known professional)? My parents have always been very okay with poker. From an early age I remember my dad always telling me "its not always the smartest people who make the most money" and to seek out opportunities to do something unconventional.
1) Did you have it and how long did your "bad" and depressed period in poker life lasted? I was actually reasonably bummed out about poker when I was 18-19. I had focused almost exclusively on poker from ages 15-19, stopped playing sports, lost touch with many of my friends, never had a girlfriend, never went out on weekends. I pretty much just let poker consume me and while I was having some of my best learning/playing of my career it wasn't making me happy. After that I tried to make a more conscious effort to do the things I enjoy the most and to allow poker to facilitate me the freedom to do that rather than letting it consume my life.
What percentage would say being able to "read someone" is important for poker skill? Reasonably important. I think not being readable is more important, and I think just through experience you will get good at reading people. I've always been an introverted nerd who is oblivious to social queues so when I started playing poker I was clueless at the live aspect but now I can just about always predict how people feel, when people are hiding something, why someone chose particular wording etc. I think I am less of a natural than just about anyone but with thousands or tens of thousands of hours practice anyone can learn to read people.
When you won that large an amount that early on in life, did you devalue money? Did you ever have a "goddamn, I'm a degen" moment? 1) A little bit- I think I overvalued money a lot as a kid. I used to walk 20 minutes every day to pay $0.25 less for worse pizza at lunch when I was making like $40/hour online, so I think poker made me much much less of a life nit 2) As mentioned in the OP, earlier this year after my big scores in Australia I owed over 2million to my investors and all my debts were written in pencil on a hotel laundry sheet. I have a lot less degen stories than a lot of other poker players, but still some pretty degen ones. I'll post more as I think of them.
As a follow up, how chilled are investors in the poker sphere with regard to being paid back? Ridiclously chilled out. The guy who basically backs half of the nosebleed community for super high rollers is about my age and the friendliest guy imaginable.
What % do you typically sell for 10k, 50k and 100k tournaments? Generally over 30k.
Obviously you're probably not going to tell us who that is, but could you tell us anything about him (as generally as you want, if need be) i.e. what he does to be that rolled, nationality, etc? German. He's probably only worth a few million but operates a fund for about a dozen similar wealthy germans- all high stakes cash players who usually can't be bothered to play tournamentd.
What is the scummiest thing you've been a victim of a) at the poker table (e.g. angleshots)? b) off the table (e.g. scams)? A) lots of varying degrees of collusion but nothing sticks out too much. I'll come back to this if I remember anything. I guess one satellite where one table all agreed to pass the blinds around so none could bust was pretty unethical. Generally poker tournaments are reasonably well run so there aren't too many big scams.
B) off the table- probably being on the epic poker league ethics committee. I'm not used to having people lie to my face and found each meeting to be emotionally draining as I felt I was just being lied to non-stop.
How does your typical day look like? Do you play any poker nowdays? When at live tournaments I basically play poker 40-60hours a week and fill all my remaining time with lifting and rock climbing.
At home I am similarly busy during SCOOP/WCOOP but other than that I just play ~12 hours every Sunday and then throughout the week I do much of the same, spend a lot of the time with my friends/family/girlfriend, I'm over the top addicted to this video game Prismata that my friends built and basically replace poker time with Prismata time when I'm home.
Last updated: 2014-12-06 15:47 UTC
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submitted by tabledresser to tabled [link] [comments]

[Table] IAmA: We are Stephen Dorff and Emile Hirsch, actors in THE MOTEL LIFE. Ask us anything. Mayday, mayday, mayday, Hirsch just tripped.

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Date: 2013-11-05
Link to submission (Has self-text)
Questions Answers
Emile, how was it working with Heath Ledger in Lords of Dogtown? It was great. Heath was an enormously talented actor and a genuinely nice guy, it was a real pleasure. He was just always very big brotherly, looking out for all the younger guys, really had a wild and kind of enthusiasm for the work. (Emile)
One of the scenes I saw filmed was that Chris McCandless' last thought where he is hugging his parents. There were a lot of us around, watching and we had no idea it was such an emotional scene being filmed. So, my question for you is, was it hard to get into that emotional state while having all these gawkers look on for each take? No, I think that one of the main things you learn really quick in film acting is how to deal with people watching, just like if you're doing a play and you have to hug someone, you have hundreds of people gawking.
On an unrelated note, Alpha Dog is one of my favorite movies, what was it like working with Justin Timberlake and Anton Yelchin? Both were really nice guys, really enjoyed the experience, and it was always a pleasure to get to listen to everyone hanging out. (Emile)
I heard you will be playing John Belushi in a new biopic. Is there anything you can tell us about the movie? Are you nervous about portraying such an adored and treasured person? I’m very excited to see it and think you will be great. No, not nervous. Part of the job. Real excited though. Haven't really gotten into it just yet, so I don't have too much to report, but looking forward to all the craziness to come. (Emile)
Do you ever wear the Speed Racer helmet around the house? Nude? I only wear it nude in the bathtub as I'm playing with my turtles (Emile)
I played with turtles here, did I tell you that? (Stephen)
Stephen, any plans for a sequel to "Dorf On Golf"? I wasn't in the first one? (Stephen)
Would you guys serenade me using a banjo and an assortment of woodwind instruments? Could your wind take my wood? ;) (Emile)
I have a huge collection of woodwind instruments. I am actually playing a show at the Apple store at 5 if you're local. (Stephen)
Can you identify with Christopher McCandless/Alexander Supertramp in any way? Yeah, definitely. Can you identify with THE MOTEL LIFE at all? LOL (Emile)
Stephen- how insane was it working with Uwe Boll. I only worked on that movie for like a week and didn't have the greatest time. (Stephen) Yeah, I knew before The Girl Next Door. I knew when we worked on The Emperor's Club together because he was great on that as well. A very nice talented young man. (Emile) Did you know i was on that film as well? (Stephen)
Emile-did you know when you were making The Girl Next Door that Paul Dano was going to do great things?
Emile, loved you in dogtown. are you still skating? Still skating all the time. Halfpipes, pools, - we're talking about finger boards, right? (Emile)
Emile - what was the shoot for Into the Wild like? Did you enjoy it? Was it difficult/stressful? It was a mixture of pleasure and pain. Existential pleasure but at times, very physical, arduous tasks. (Emile)
Hey Stephen. It's Eric Barry. Are we having a 15 year CBD reunion in 2015 or what? Haaa. Props to you and Emile on this film The Motel Life. I will definitely check it out. Demented forever! (Stephen)
Hi Emile! I love your movie, into the wild. How did you feel to portray such great character that inspires me and my friends so much?? It was a real privilege to get to portray someone who has affected people's lives in sometimes big ways, it's just a privilege. I can't take credit for it though, it's based on a really extraordinary person. (Emile)
Let me just say right off the bat that you are one of my favorite actors and you have amazing talent. Speed Racer is honestly one of the last movies to give me that feeling of going to the movies as a kid. It was a blast to watch, and I feel like it's hugely under-appreciated. What was some of your favorite parts of working with such a talented cast and crew such as the Wachowski's? It was great. They were so much fun to work with, they are so creative, they are such visionaries, I was a huge fan of Speed Racer growing up as a kid. It was a challenging film to make because of all the green screen and it was a challenging film to release and market because it was so different, and we didn't get to make any sequels, but it's an interesting, odd film that I am happy to be a part of.
You two have been on some vastly different films, what is the strangest thing that has occurred to you or you've seen on set? During The Motel Life shooting, in some very specific motels, we had to keep cutting takes because there was so much screaming and noise coming from the other motel rooms! People were getting arrested… (Stephen)
Ranting and raving, as they got hauled out with their hands cuffed behind their backs (Emile)
It was like an episode of BREAKING BAD on crack. But we love Reno. (Stephen)
What's one thing people don't know about being actors in Hollywood? Most people don't realize that a lot of times they watch the movies and it seems really action packed, but if you actually go on a movie set, they are usually really really boring and nothing happens, there is a lot of waiting around. People can't believe how boring it is when they actually get on a movie set and they want to leave right away. (Emile)
There's a lot of time that goes into making a movie. I think the perception is a little different, they don't realize how much time it entails. Movie sets are really boring usually and hopefully it all comes together in the end. You're basically shooting pieces all the time. I hate sitting around and waiting to go. (Stephen)
Stephen - You've worked with Elle Fanning in Somewhere and Dakota Fanning in The Motel Life. Who is your favorite Fanning? They are both incredible, great family, just have got talent running through the water over there in their house. I know Elle better because i worked more closely with her, but I loved meeting with Dakota and her voice would make me think of Elle, but Emile really worked more closely with Dakota than I did. They are both fantastic, really nice parents, got to know the family well between the movies. Can't say enough about them in a good way. (Stephen)
Emile - No question, but I just wanted to say that I've loved your work since The Girl Next Door. Killer Joe was especially great. Thank you very much, be sure to follow me on Twitter! (Emile)
Mr. Hirsch, you are fantastic in everything you do. Milk and Alpha Dog are a few personal favorites, but one of the best movies in decades is Killer Joe. What was it like filming that intense kitchen ending? I had chicken splatter all over me, I was exhausted, McConaughey was trying to get me, and I ended up getting the shit beaten out of me. I felt used and very exhausted at the end. (Emile)
Mr. Dorff, you are the dictionary definition of underrated. I've loved every movie I've seen you in. Of all the great directors you've worked with, I'm most curious about John Waters. What was it like working with him? It was great. John Waters is a true original, and a great person, funny, just made me laugh every day on the set. He drives a modern green Buick sedan to work every day and dresses up really fancy, like really fancy suits. He has a great infrastructure of a family that he's worked with for all these years in Baltimore, it's like his camp. There are 2 directors from Baltimore: John Waters and Barry Levinson. They couldn't be more different, but they are legends in Baltimore. The best thing to do with John Water is watch the Oscars. One time I had to watch the Oscars with him before we had to go to the Vanity Fair party afterwards, and he was making fun of everybody and we had so much fun. "What is she wearing? a helicopter on her head?" It was great. We had little cocktail wieners while we watched the Oscars. I think I made them. I make a good cocktail wiener and a quiche lorraine. (Stephen)
Stephen - What was Wesley Snipes like in real life during blade? He was nice, but he was BLADE, he was in the role, you know? The guy did his press in FULL WARDROBE. He did Letterman as Blade. With the sword. (STephen) We did these parties for the movie and he dressed as Blade at every movie party around the United States. I did Letterman the week after he was on, and David was like "you didn't come in costume like your costar?" (Stephen)
Emile, I knew the real life counterpart to your character in Alpha Dogs. Did you do a lot of research on him, or try and make him your own character? I just made him my own character but I never met him. I was not playing a real-life person, however, he was inspired by a real life person but I was playing Johnny Truelove. (Emile)
The Dorff - now that you have taken your freedom back, how does it feel? (ecig enthusiast here) It feels great! (Stephen)
What was your "big break" moment for each of you? I think for everyone their big break is just being born. Because the odds of not being born, the odds are against you in terms of evolution. If you are the winning sperm in the race, you are in a good position from the get-go. (Emile)
I thought I'd really made it as an actor when I was sitting next to Jack Nicholson waiting to go on set and I looked at him and I was like "damn, this is cool" just because he was one of my faves, I had done a bunco of movies before then but I thought that was cool. (Stephen)
NO TOWN IN THE HOUSE! The city of Reno is not to happy with the portrayal of our fair city. As a citizen of Reno, I think it is great. The grit of Reno is why I love it here. Its real. Did you guys get out and about when you were filming here or did you just have to stay on 4th st and downtown? We went out, you know, we saw all of Reno pretty much. We also shot in other places, Carson City … we loved it, the bars, the casinos, the motels, the people. (Stephen)
Some of the restaurants were really nice, the people were really friendly in Reno, it's a great place and we are proud to have worked there and we hope the people of the city actually like the movie. (Emile)
Question for both of you: If you could star in any film adaptation of a book, what would it be? The Motel Life 2? Just kidding… (Stephen)
As a little kid, I wanted to be in Ender's Game because that was one of my have books as a kid. But I want to see Ender's Game later today, not to plug another movie. I think Stephen and I could star in 50 Shades of Gray and take turns playing Christian Grey. I have not actually read those books though, but a girl described some of the stuff in those books, it sounded pretty graphic. I can't believe women are into all that crazy stuff. (Emile)
He reads a lot more books than I do. And he's super into the internet (Stephen)
If you weren't an actor, what would you be doing? I think I would an astrophysicist. I might not be a working astrophysicist, but I would call myself an astrophysicist. (Emile)
I would probably want to do something like be a hotel owner. Or needlepoint quilts, or maybe open a restaurant. Margarita bar. Or a skydiving instructor (Stephen)
I wonder if I could be a land bound skydiving instructor? (Emile)
Stephen- what is your favorite movie to watch? I always like watching that movie HEAT, it's always on TV. Some movies you can watch over and over. And I was watching Indiana Jones & the Temple of Doom, and I forgot River Phoenix was in that, he was pretty good too. (Stephen)
He actually looks like Harrison Ford! I love Indiana Jones, Star Wars... (Emile)
Godfather 1 & 2 I can always watch, SCARFACE too. Chevy Chase in VACATION. (Stephen)
The Twilight Movies are a guilty pleasure for me. (Emile)
Hi Stephen. Thought you were cute since I saw you on that Aerosmith music video for "crying". What was it like filming that video and is there any behind the scenes, funny memory etc you can share with us? Thank you. I basically just did the video! And thank you for thinking I'm cute. I just remember showing up and shooting it for a couple of hours. Alicia Silverstone was a big deal at that time, because it was right after Clueless, so there was a big hoopla around her, Aerosmith was rocking' back then, so it was just one of those things where they called nme and the next thing I knew I was shooting that video. (Stephen)
Also, which actoactress do you want to work with but haven't had the chance yet? I'd like to work with De Niro, I know him but I've never acted with him. (Stephen)
What's your favorite hobby in your free time? I like playing the piano myself, and I also like shopping and driving. (Stephen)
I am an avid movie watcher, I like going to see all the new movies. I've also kind of gotten into knitting recently, and needlepoint. I'm working my way up to a quilt. (Emile)
Stephen, I love the movie The Gate. Would you ever consider making a sequel to it? I'm currently in production on the sequel, and we are shooting it in Arizona… no, but there was a sequel. I wasn't in it. And probably not, but people seem to remember that movie. Tarantino always comes up to me and says "I love THE GATE man!!" They found me at my school and next thing I knew I was shipped up to Canada and they wanted me to scream at these little monsters, and we were the movie that beat ISHTAR. (Stephen)
Were you familiar with Willy Vlautin's work before becoming involved with this project? For those who don't know, W.V., along with publishing three novels, is the singer of alt. country outfit Richmond Fontaine. I didn't know who Willy was before, but he's a very talented dude. I've now met him and know that he's a talented musician and I am excited they are re-releasing his novel so that more people can check out the Motel Life. And he's a helluva guy. (Stephen)
I didn't really know either, I had heard about the novel and heard it was really good but hadn't had the chance to read it. But he is a quality novelist and musician as well. I did read the book and really appreciated it. (Emile)
Emile, Into the Wild will always be a favorite film of mine. Love it and you are great in it. What is something you learned or took away from portraying Christopher McCandless? Is he more misguided or wise? I think it's a mixture of the 2 for a lot of people, and depending on your point of view on it, I think it goes both ways. There's a lot of things that are really great about him and a lot to learn, but obviously there's a lot you want to avoid from his behavior as well. (Emile)
How difficult is it to play a homosexual character (Milk)? How did you go about getting in character? It was a challenge like any other job but I enjoyed getting to explore the character. It was a great script written by Dustin Lance Black. He captured the nuances of the character and the era and he ended up getting the credit for it, so all the credit goes to him. (Emile)
Hey guys, thanks for doing this AMA! If you could go back in time and play one role from any movie what part would you want to play and why? Tootsie. (Stephen)
Maybe like, in a musical. Bing Crosby's role in SINGING IN THE RAIN, because it would be fun to sing and dance a little bit. (Emile)
You could always do something onstage, like Hugh Jackman. Him and NPH can do anything. They can HOST anything. (Stephen)
Stephen deacon frost from blade was one of my favorite villians and you really made that movie fun. Do you think they'd let you in another marvel movie now that they are so huge? I don't know! Blade was the first Marvel movie they ever made, and now Marvel is owned by Disney, so it's a different thing. (Stephen)
Mr. Dorff, I just watched "Immortals" last night, and it was a lot more fun than any of the trailers I watched for it would have me believe. My question is this: can you pull off an English accent, or was it a decision by the filmmakers to have everyone speaking however they would normally speak? Great question! I asked that question to Tarsem and he said "Speak the way you want" so everybody spoke in their own dialect. And I'm glad you liked it. (Stephen)
Emile, What's your favorite story ever written? I don't really know if I have a favorite story ever written. (Emile)
Stephen, I loved your work in the film Somewhere and my question is do you plan on doing more films with Elle Fanning? You two had great chemistry and you could see the bond you two had on screen. We're actually talking about taking "Somewhere" on a dinner theater tour when she finishes school… just kidding. But I would love to work with Elle again, she is taller than me now so I would need some boots. She's an amazing girl, an amazing actress, and I love her as a person and as my movie daughter and a friend, and I would love to work with her again. I would need an apple box to stand next to her. (STephen)
Stephen: were the black flag and sub pop shirts in "somewhere" yours, or wardrobe? Those were Sofia Coppola's, everything in that movie is her design and idea pretty much. (Stephen)
Stephen, I thought you were terrific in Somewhere. It's such a reserved and calculated film, it's like experiencing that time in Johnny's life alongside him. Can you confirm who the character is supposed to be? Is it Johnny Knoxville? No. It's a character Sofia created that is a blend of a lot of different people but is ultimately a fictional character named Johnny. Johnny Knoxville huh? Sofia just created the character just like Bill Murray who is playing an actor in Lost in Translation but it's not really him. There's a lot of personal stuff in that movie that she has in there, but it's not based on Johnny Knoxville. (Stephen)
Emile, you have been in a ton of great movies, but one of my favorites is "Girl Next Door" did you have a feeling that it was going to be much more than a goofy teen comedy when you read the script? We were hoping that we would get Academy Award nominations and AFI awards but we all knew we were kidding ourselves. We knew it would be relegated to 'teen sex comedy.' (Stephen)
Dude, I just watched Cold Creek Manner the other day for the first time. What the heck happened there? I thought you played your character great but I can't imagine you looked at this script and thought "this is gonna be awesome" DUDE. Where's my car? (Stephen)
To the both of you: how do you like filming in my home state? We loved it! We loved working in Nevada, it's a great place, I took a little excursion to Tahoe. We loved Lake Tahoe, we loved the trees and the landscape, the sunsets and the weather was beautiful. (Emile)
We loved the people of Reno. (Stephen)
Hi Stephen! Which movie was the most fun making? Not sure! I had fun on The Motel Life. (Stephen)
Do you mind posting proof in the description of your post? We're getting the movie to post in a few.
The Power of One is still one of all time favorite movies. That's all. Oh and damn you're hot Stephen! Well, damn you! Thank you baby. (Stephen)
I don't really have a question, but my cousin Andrew plays the younger version of your character Frank in The Motel Life and he talks about it all the time. I'm excited for this movie to finally come out because I can't wait to see it after hearing so much about it! Good Buddy! Excited for you to see the movie as well. Looking forward to you seeing the movie with your cousin, and then going out and playing miniature golf afterwards. (Emile)
Emile - Congrats on the new kid! Edit: Sorry I originally asked him how it was working with Ledger and promptly deleted it without thinking of clicking the edit button because I noticed he already answered it above. Should have said that... Mah bad. Heath was a great, greatly dedicated actor who constantly was pushing himself and exploring and trying new things. But he also was not an overly dedicated actor either, he was able to drop the character and have a beer with his buddies as well. (Emile)
Dorff, you play a good villain...BE MORE VILLAINOUS! Yeah, I'm kind of having fun playing different kinds of characters! I did the villain thing for a while. (Stephen)
I just watched Felon the other day. Great performance Stephen! Thank you very much, we appreciate you watching our movies, even the smaller ones, and this (The Motel Life) is one of the smaller ones so you should probably check it out. (Emile)
with Alpha dog, Lord's of Dogtown and Savages on your (Emile) resume I can't wait to check out this new one! Thanks for having great taste. ;) (Stephen)
No questions here just fans of you both! TTYL.
Last updated: 2013-11-09 16:41 UTC
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